Archive for August, 2003

NZ Police milking ‘P epidemic’

August 2, 2003

NZ Police milking ‘P epidemic’

“With the double standards and hypocrisy surrounding drug use in NZ –

including alcohol and tobacco, Police couldn’t promote speed and other

drugs better if they tried”, say the Mild Greens.

It is anticipated the upcoming report of the health select committee

into appropriate health strategies associated with cannabis “and

consequently the most appropriate legal status” will enlighten New

Zealanders as to how much they are being taken for a ride via

manufactured consent, media-fuelled ‘anti-drug’ hysteria, and

discriminatory law.

The 1998 inquiry into the mental health effects of cannabis found

existing policy to be ineffective (and inappropriate by implication) in

reducing cannabis use, and that prohibition double standards impeded

drug prevention efforts.

While the police and public health administrators ignore the HSC 1998

admissions and insight, one must be extremely skeptical of the motives

of those police and politicians advocating ‘tougher’ prohibition, and

‘additional resources to crack down’, say the Mild Greens.

“Prohibition dis-ease is the root of all that is sick and dysfunctional

in NZ society”