Law Enforcement Against Prohibition tour of New Zealand

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition tour of New Zealand:

A former US judge, a former undercover narcotics cop and the former head of Scotland Yard’s drug squad will be in New Zealand in early April to raise awareness about the dangerous consequences of following the US on drug laws.

“Growing violence and drug use will be the result of New Zealand’s tough new stance on illegal drugs, says American former Judge Eleanor Schockett, because this is exactly what happened when the US took the same approach.” – NZ Listener, “Out on the Streets”, April 3-9, 2004, p26.

Together with retired New Jersey undercover cop Jack Cole and former Scotland Yard drug squard chief Eddie Ellison, Schockett represents an organisation of ex-cops, former prosecutors and judges from the US, Canada and Britain called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP).

They will be speaking to public meetings and Rotary clubs from April 6, asking what New Zealand can learn from the failed US experience, in a visit supported by the Coalition for Cannabis Law Reform and the MildGreens.

“This controversial and hard-hitting tour comes soon after a group of former New Zealand undercover police officers broke their silence and alleged perjury and corruption are a regular part of the police’s undercover programme. If LEAP’s predictions are true, this will just be a taste of what is to come if we continue enforcing a US-style War On Drugs.”

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