Archive for September, 2004

CC: New Zealand: No Illegal Drugs in Greens Policy

September 30, 2004

CC: New Zealand: No Illegal Drugs in Greens Policy

CC: New Zealand: MPs Back Stronger Powers To Track Dealers, Police

September 27, 2004

CC: New Zealand: MPs Back Stronger Powers To Track Dealers, Police

legal Highs… Anderton on Class D

September 27, 2004

MyTown – Print this Story

Beyond Kyoto? jeez, these guys arent quite there yet. Blair’s trying hard though.

September 23, 2004


Election 2004 _ Kyoto, global warming split candidates


Scripps Howard News Service

September 14, 2004

– As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the United States is under increasing international pressure to curb global warming. British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Tuesday that “time is running out” and called for a “green industrial revolution” to avert catastrophe.

Here is where President Bush and Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry stand on the issue:

Bush: Promised in the 2000 presidential campaign that if elected he would curb power-plant emissions of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. He backed off that pledge shortly after taking office and withdrew the United States from the Kyoto Protocol, the international climate-change treaty.

Bush unveiled a plan in 2002 to encourage U.S. industry to voluntarily restrain the growth in greenhouse-gas emissions. The administration has earmarked $4 billion for climate research, including the development of a Global Earth Observation System. A recent White House report to Congress on climate change acknowledges that human activity is causing global warming.

Kerry: Has a long history of participating in international climate negotiations and championing action to address global warming. He says it is no longer possible at this late date for the United States to meet the timetables of the Kyoto Protocol, which requires developed nations to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2012. He advocates renegotiating the treaty and reasserting U.S. leadership on the issue.

Kerry’s energy plan includes proposals that would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, including raising the average fuel economy standard for cars and trucks to 36 mpg by 2015 and requiring power plants to generate 20 percent of the electricity they produce from renewable energy by 2020.

Background: Bush has said that mandatory reduction of carbon dioxide emissions would hurt the U.S. economy. He has criticized the Kyoto treaty for requiring industrial nations to reduce their emissions before China, India and other developing nations are required to act. He has questioned whether scientists really know whether global warming is the result of human activity or natural climate variability. Critics say his voluntary emissions reduction plan is a sham that would have virtually no impact.

Kerry has accused Bush of “abdicating” leadership on the climate issue. However, the auto and energy industries fiercely oppose raising fuel economy standards and setting mandatory renewable energy targets. They have repeatedly succeeded in stymieing congressional action.

More information: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change –; National Academies of Science –

(Contact Joan Lowy at LowyJ(at)

Herbal highs and the law – Social Tonics Association

September 23, 2004

23.09.2004 – Emily Beadon

Over-the-counter herbal highs and party pills currently under the scrutiny of the Government are not as dangerous or addictive as illicit substances, a Victoria University psychology lecturer says.

The legal highs, presently being sold as dietary supplements, will be subject to stricter regulations if the third amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act is passed.

Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton says he is drafting a supplementary order paper to the amendment that will give State agencies increased capacity to monitor the distribution of herbal highs and other unclassified substances.

�The purpose of the new schedule will be to enable regulations to be made to protect young New Zealanders in particular against the sale of legal substances, which are subject to abuse but do not warrant, on current evidence, regulation under the current risk classes A, B or C drug classifications.�

Victoria University psychology lecturer Dr Johan Lauwereyns says the party pills are approximately 200 times less likely to activate dopamine, the brain�s happy chemical, in the consumer�s head than illicit drugs.

He says at this lower level the chemical makes the person feel good but does not create cravings.

�They do (herbal highs) activate dopamine in the brain indirectly but they do not have the addictive quality illicit substances such as cocaine have.

�As far as over-the-counter substances go, alcohol is definitely a much more dangerous drug.�

The predominant drug used in the �legal highs�, such as Rapture, Zoom and Charge, is

benzylpiperazine (BZP).

In April this year the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) reported to the Minister of Health there was insufficient information to recommend BZP and related substances be classified in the Misuse of Drugs Act (1975).

BZP is illegal in the United States of America and in some states of Australia, however, the EACD report states there are very few health risks or psychological risks associated with consumption of the drug.

The drugs produce a euphoric, highly vigilant state and are marketed as an alternative to the illegal party drugs ecstasy and speed.

Wellington retailer Cosmic Corner sells the �herbal highs� 24 hours a day during the weekend, through a vending window manned by a staff member after hours.

Cosmic Corner Wellington manager Iain Hickling says he is concerned the drugs are now being stocked in dairies and bars because the consumers are much less likely to get any quality advice on how they can use them in a safe manner.

He says as a member of the Social Tonics Association of New Zealand (STANZ), an organisation that represents the industry in monitoring sales of the energy enhancers, Cosmic Corner supports the new regulations.

�We are definitely supportive of some sort of regulation on where and who they can be sold to�we have always felt that as an industry we have a moral responsibility to regulate packaging and marketing.�

Mr Anderton�s proposed new schedule will enable restrictions to be placed on the sale of party pills such as age limits for purchase and further regulations for the supply, marketing and labelling of the products.

The new schedule, expected to be decided on this year, will not be confined to BZP but will include regulative guidelines for other legal substances that are abused such as solvents.

Global Commons, C&C in The Little Earth Book

September 23, 2004

This describes the only “beyond kyoto” game in town…,3858,4954451-101750,00.html

I would ensure that every rate payer was able to access this book – even to
supplying copies ‘free on request’.

Blair Anderson
50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006
phone ++64 3 389-4065 cell 025 2657219

mayor blair applies for the big job… see

Mild Green Initiatives for your liberty, pleasure, health and safety.


THC in marijuana may block the spread of forms of cancer causing herpes viruses

September 22, 2004

THC in marijuana may block the spread of forms of cancer causing herpes viruses

A critical review and analysis: Cannabis education in schools (report)

September 21, 2004

A critical review and analysis: Cannabis education in schools (report): “The current Australian approach to cannabis education is, in theory, based on harm reduction but in practice, teachers are in a difficult position if they want to openly discuss the issues around student cannabis use. Consequently, cannabis education tends to equate to providing information as to the harms associated with use. Drug education needs to be seen by students as something more than propaganda and for this to happen it needs to acknowledge what students already know by direct or indirect experience, which is that drug use can be enjoyable. One of the reasons Australian alcohol education programs have been so well received by students and teachers is that they deal openly with both sides of the decision making equation (Farringdon et al, 1999; McLeod, 1997). Cannabis education in Australia needs to do the same thing if it is to be relevant to students� decision making about cannabis use.”


This wasn’t obvious to the candidates for city governance at the “met the candidates @ Windsor School” , hosted by the Burwood community and NewzTalkZB last night.

Our communities are in dangerous hands when even discussing the vices is off the agenda.

Harm reduction is an unheard of concept. Zero tollerance and “i’ve seen the harms, the prisons are full of it” suggests a very nieve public position. Absent is any discussion on prostitution, gambling, alcohol and nicotine – yet all are administered by the City by-laws and all are subject to charge of “harms’.

The community debate is debased if such ill-informed (and failed) policy standards are allowed to determine the mores of the city.

Blair Anderson, Educators for Sensible Drug Policy [NZ] and Mayoral candidate – Christchurch City

CDHB Elections – Aged Care Residential Funding

September 20, 2004

—–Original Message—–

From: kevin oconnell []

Sent: Sunday, 19 September 2004 8:14 p.m.

Subject:Re: CDHB Elections – Aged Care Residential Funding

I am sorry to hear of your collective plight, Gordon.

there are 10s of millions of dollars being spent

counter-productively and INEQUITABLY through the

‘injustice’ sector via the crime-creating

criminalisation of marijuana use in our community (20%

of surveyed population).

I will be endeavouring to get that money put where it

belongs (under health), which will have a beneficial

side effect of enabling credible drug education, thus

reducing health sector burden by an order of magnitude

(eg minimising alcohol and tobacco related harm and


That should free up plenty of $$$ to keep your

residents and workers happy. I note none of the other

candidates have a source of increased health funding

to offer. Nor is the Ottawa Charter (identifying and

removing impediments to health promotion even on the

health administrations radar screen – woeful)

kind regards

Kevin O’Connell

— Gordon Hartley


> Hi,


> I am emailing you because I have concerns at the

> level of funding being

> provided by Canterbury District Health Board to Rest

> Homes, Private

> Hospitals and Home Care Providers.


> This sector is UNDER FUNDED by 25% as we are

> currently being paid fees

> which relate to Ministry of Health’s own figures in

> 1999 -2000.


> More and more costs are being imposed on our sector.



> Some examples are:


> HOLIDAYS ACT – estimated 3% increase in wages


> EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS ACT – hard to quantify


> CERTIFICATION COSTS – $20,000 – $40,000















> Because of low wages recruitment & retention of

> staff is becoming

> increasingly difficult. We have been trying to

> employ a tea cook & a

> weekend cook for 3-4 weeks and are lucky to receive

> a phone call when

> placing an advert in the CHCH Press! The same

> applies to caregivers. The

> industry has approx. 30% turn over of staff each

> year. Owners are not in

> a financial position to pay realistic wages and must

> rely on the caring

> nature of hard working staff.




> Can you please advise me of your views on funding

> this sector.




> Regards Gordon Hartley


> St Albans Retirement Village


sig. Blair Anderson

Mayor Blair for a really Healthy Christchurch

VOTE Oct 9, everywhere.

025 2657219

“Garry’s such a nice guy, but he hasn’t the leadership to fix this!”

Google Search: "Beyond Kyoto"

September 20, 2004

Important public health initiatives follow Mayor Blair’s lead

Google Search: “Beyond Kyoto”