myths and fears exposed

As i predicted…after seeing the 1960’s inspired ‘the day after’, a
movie about how to survive armageddon (“hold a wet tea towel up to
protect against the nuclear heatwave” mentality) I have been suspicious
the confluence of power was not to be found in the mechanics of E=MC2,
but in the fear and duress of the atomic maybe! In order for the worst
case scenario to be credible, one had to accept the delusion it was
survivable. Irrational fears depend on the worst happening to everyone

“The Day After” “Black Rain” and its brethren films of the era are
possibly the greatest propaganda films of post W.W.II

After Hiroshima, [Fear of] Terror has been a staple to US Presidents.
The mind fuck as a weapon of mass delusion is more powerful than a
nuclear arsenal, witness a envelope dusted with corn flour made more
potent than the plague.

Bush et al. may as well give the statue of liberty back to France as
they aren’t using it.

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