Archive for November, 2004

Jailed beneficiary was in pain

November 15, 2004

Wednesday, 3 November 2004

Jailed beneficiary was in pain

The neighbour of a wheelchair bound sickness beneficiary who has been jailed for five months for growing cannabis says he was a man in agony. Neville Yates claimed he used the drug to alleviate chronic pain from an amputated leg, and brain damage caused by an accident when he was a teenager. Nel, who lives next door, says she can attest to his pain. She says she could hear him crying and moaning through the thin wall separating their bedrooms Nel says the first time she heard it she was terrified and rang the police


Neville’s story is also mentioned on the New Zealand Information Network

And on TVNZ’s TV2 along with a poll (now finished)

and appearing in the Gisborne Herald paper online ‘letters to the editor’ 
dated Thursday, November 11, 2004

There has recently been a story about marijuana grower Neville Yates and his unfair jail sentence. I knew Neville before he had his foot amputated. At that time I would say he had fair medical grounds to claim medicinal use of marijuana for the pain. In fact, I believe his doctor agreed that it seemed to be the only thing that helped. What he went through was nearly 20 years of torture before demanding an amputation (I believe his words to Christchurch hospital were “you take it off or I will”). Having said that, there are thousands of amputees around this country who do not need marijuana to manage their pain and so, I’m sorry Neville, but your argument no longer stacks up. If you really really have to grow and use marijuana move to South Australia where I believe it’s legal.
sig: Rob Holding

A Right-Wing Call for Pot Legalization

November 15, 2004

Leading Conservative politician Peter Lilley, has publicly stated that he thinks cannabis should be decriminalized in Britain and sold through government licensed outlets, like those in the Netherlands.

Lilley, who served under prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major, has been considered one of the more right-wing members of the party, The Daily Telegraph says.

But Lilley defended his position by saying the law on cannabis is unenforceable and indefensible in a country where alcohol and nicotine are legal.

The marked change on policy by Lilley is seen as a public relations move to make the Conservative Party more voter friendly amid perceptions in some sectors that its policies are intolerant and regressive.

sig. Blair Anderson

Christchurch, NZ.

cell phone 025 2657219 ph (643) 389 4065

"60 Minutes" – features Yates trial

November 8, 2004

Last night NZ’s Television Three featured Neville’s case, in prime time

viewing with 15 minutes of fame on “60 Minutes”,

After billing it heavily for two days, it came out as the ‘lead story’

over Mordachai the Israeli ‘weapons grade plutonium’ whistle blower

which puts it right up there in the kiwi ‘mind share’.

Jim Anderton came over as a heartless tosser. Jeanette Fitzsimonds

(greens) had the most plausible critique and came over as a caring

grandmother ‘with compassion and authority’.

It also featured Daniel Clarke, snippets of Chris Fowlie and the boys in

Auckland.. but the lead advocacy was the ‘appeal’ by the stalwarts for

Neville, his brother came over as “mr caring”, Irinka ‘impassioned’

and even myself.. looked not to bad in full flight regaling the

Judge with a “how hard was that?”.

The hero was Neville himself, some great lines.. “i wasn’t doing

anything illegal, not in my eyes, I wasn’t hurting anyone, the only

victim I see is me!”

I had hoped the investigative crew would have featured a bit of the

waste of resources, deceptions of the police and the scale of the grow

compared to ‘what’s going on in reality’.

Arrogant politicians will gain no curry proffering the “its illegal,

therefore, its illegal” in the face of this very public heart breaker….

Big thanks to all the newspaper letter writers. You all helped to give

this story the public face and weighting it deserved.

sig. Blair Anderson

cell phone 025 2657219

ph (643) 389 4065


November 8, 2004


“the School computer networks resonate with searches for cannabis culture” – Wellington (NZ) High School IT administrator. 
The enabling of credible drug education might not be obvious in a ‘just say no’ society but the innate curiosity of the teen psyche should be mined, not shut down as mere idolatry. 

Blair Anderson, 
co-ordinator EFSDP(NZ)

Christchurch, New Zealand cell phone 025 2657219 ph (643) 389 4065

Recidivist Rhetoric and the Race Card

November 7, 2004
Today’s Prison Report is so much hubris and rhetoric. But I thank RadioNZ for obtaining it.

There are barriers to openly discussing what is the engine behind the burgeoning prison industrial complex.

The report perpetuates the systemic social conditions that reward and foster ‘our worst fears’ so evident in sensible sentencing and the ’99’ referendum.

However, this matrix of dysfunction and this report serves to preserve itself by distracting the observer with everything but what is broken. This prison report doesn’t even allude to the recidivist ‘drug problem’ or the contribution ‘drugs’ make to incarceration budgets. Drug issues are either a problem or they are not.

There is acute selective myopia when it comes to evaluating prohibition’s contribution to this endless social disharmony.

“Drug War” conventions have countries obliged to pursue growers, dealers and users in an expensive attempt to hold back an unstoppable tide. The drug war, a metaphor for a war on people, does this by ‘othering’. The reports highlights “othering’, in this case it is ‘them – those Maori’s..”

History shows such labeling to be a beguiling feature of the amoral ‘divide and rule’ agenda behind AmeriKKKa’s UN endorsed anti-drug programmes. Prohibition has bred crime on an unimaginable global scale. It is a TRILLION DOLLAR industry incentivising ‘crime’, perversely circular in that we must have ‘crime’ in order to maintain prohibition.

Bravely, most countries pretend that they are winning ‘against crime’ – when it is painfully obvious there are only losers. New Zealand is one such case.

When the Ministry of Justice can explain why NZ is number One in the OECD for cannabis consumption and why young Maori are seven times more likely to “offend” (who for gods sake?), then waxing lyrical about early intervention in a disproportionately represented ‘Maori’ is a gross obsfucation.

This report perpetuates the unspoken myth that crime is genetic, that its a Maori problem, Maori can’t help themselves, that Maori are inferior, Maori cant handle liquor, cannabis or what ever (but non-Maori can?) when at the heart of this report is the ‘race card’. We just can’t bring ourselves to say it. And that should scare the bejezzus out of us all.

The “early intervention” required is not ‘ever younger’, or more treatment advocates who are quick to clamor for more resources… As Ray Kendal (Hon Secretary Interpol) recently said . Give all addicts a prescription, and they can lead reasonably normal lives, with no need to commit crime. A rational, evidence-based policy would seek to kill the market, put dealers out of business and put control of these drugs into the safe hands of pharmacists.”

Now that’s “early intervention” !

cc: Clifford Wallace Thornton Jr.

sig. Blair Anderson
cell phone 025 2657219 ph (643) 389 4065

News roundup for Neville Yates

November 7, 2004

News roundup for Neville Yates

take one habeus corpus and $20,000 ++ for instant relief of pain

November 7, 2004

Blair Anderson wrote:

Paula Lambert wrote:

Hi Blair, good two posts, but three things;

3.National Academy of Sciences Report you quote, do you have the date of

Smoking Issue and Neville at law.

Notably the IOM  makes the principle provision in Recomendation 6, other areas of this definative report deal with this more holisticaly

Rec. 6 undermines the perverse ‘ethical’ concerns that medical smoking is not possible, not likely, or ‘just a stupid idea’. Holderness is wrong to have excluded Nevilles ‘medical’ evidence leaving smoking and growing the test before the ‘law’, The jury was not fully informed. [Queen vs Yates 2004].

See. IOM Recommendation 6: Short-term use of smoked marijuana (less than six months) for patients with debilitating symptoms (such as intractable pain or vomiting) must meet the following conditions:

  • failure of all approved medications to provide relief has been documented;
  • the symptoms can reasonably be expected to be relieved by rapid-onset cannabinoid drugs;
  • such treatment is administered under medical supervision in a manner that allows for assessment of treatment effectiveness; and involves an oversight strategy comparable to an institutional review board process that could provide guidance within 24 hours of a submission. (anything time frame would be better than ‘just say no’ /blair)
  • by a physician to provide marijuana to a patient for a specified use

It was erroneous of Holderness to pick subjectively the evidence that suited the punishment paradigm an ignore the balance which was (or would have been) exonerative.

Neville had tried everything including the solution. First principles, apply – first do no harm. I see double jeopardy  here. The system is not just stopping Neville access to medicine that works, they are taking it what works from him. An action in its self, a medical harm.

Cannabis is less adictive than coffee, and less toxic than tea. What could be the problem. That one leg might enjoy it? Or are we blind to good science and best practice medicine?

Smoking is not compolsory, nor is it ‘crime’. The Expert Advisory Committee (on) Drugs [EACD] could easily accomodate the above IOM criteria under the Medicine Act – the 6 months ** can be reviewed by Neville’s Physician. It is nobody elses business what he does. If Neville Yates was vapourising quality herb under the above management option, then the 6 month time criteria would by any standard be adjustable accordingly. – Holderness’s adjustment is “go to jail, do not pass go…”

So what’s the problem?? Because the EACD doesnt have the highy recommended ‘active’ consumer representative, Neville’s pain management now needs a writ of habeus corpus and $20,000 ++ for an Appeal.

Mental Health.. oh yeah, ring Neville on a friday afternoon from this side of the bars and tell him your taking his house…
(and they wonder why cannabis and suicide are linked??)

Neville now has unfettered access to a supermarket of drugs in prison, is emotionaly compromised, isolated, and angry. None of which would have been an issue in civy street.

Some therapy Judge David Holderness. Your best practice peer review is when?

If,  in selling tobacco or alcohol I did anything to hurt someone like Neville  as we have in ‘seeing justice done’, I would expect and likely loose the right to serve any and everyone and would certainly be answerable to the disabilities commisioner quick smart. Doubtless the media would take a position – dare I say it, consistent with the whim of who pays the bills.

Where does Montana fit into this. Oh yes… medicinal whole smokable grow your own medicine from Nov 2..

How silly? They surely didnt ask Holderness!

Blair Anderson
50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006
phone ++64 3 389-4065   cell 025 2657219

Mild Green Initiatives for your liberty, pleasure, health and safety.

**(or until other clinical cannabis is available, such as vapourised pharamacy grade herbal cannabis as used in Holland/Canada, or metered whole cannabis dosage for inexperienced users, such as sublingual, oil/alcohol tinctures, or cooked/ingested. If 100 Million Americans can have access, so can Neville.)

MP Marc Alexander on Yates, Medpot and Prohibition

November 6, 2004

Today, Christchurch United Future list MP and spokesperson on Justice issues, Marc Alexander published his regular newsletter online. It covered two matters, the latter was of interest as it was about Neville Yates. (see my blog )

While some of this public letter is shite even if well meaning, there follows an ounce of compassion here!

Because Marc is known to me, and he has on this matter given this subject some thought, I commend him for having met with Neville and done some good stuff for him regarding his Accident Compensation and even if a tad misguided on drug policy and some other things that we have differences on, he is approachable.

The law is in disrepute, no doubt, but the premise for Marc’s ‘there are harms’ argument is flawed, none of this was upheld in the house select committee inquiry powerfully acknowledging that the harms are overstated. The committee’s brief was really to test if prohibition is an appropriate control, even if these purported harms were true.

However Marc points out that in Nevilles case, the Judge (if not the jury) had a duty to arbitrate for the best outcome for both society and Neville, and that he (they) failed on both counts. This is a commendable insight and I thank him for taking this public position in the minefield of drug related political dialogue.

I have impinged on Alexanders’ document with some mildgreen comments extracted from some papers that I reviewed published by a couple of internet colleagues, Robert Malamede, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chairman Biology Department University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and Lester Grinspoon M.D. Professor Emeritus, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA.

Respective references are given to aid the reader.

Of course, Mr Alexander would also do well to review the NZ Health Select Committee Inquiry reports which allay fear of change, recommend progress on medpot and better informs on the state of the national drug policy’s harm reduction goals and law review that Alexander’s United Future NZ Party stymied. But thats not the goal here. / Blair

Marc writes; (and I write)

Marc Alexander MP

United Future NZ

PO Box 130037


Telephone 03-374 6804

Wellington email

Christchurch email

I have never apologised for my hard line against drugs and l sure as hell don�t intend to now. However a recent case concerning the use of cannabis screams for comment.

We know that most of the negative physiological effects of marijuana are well substantiated. These fall into six categories:

  • Brain � marijuana initiates changes in brain chemistry. Its use hinders the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a chemical that triggers various types of signals throughout the nervous system.
    • (I was going to comment on this, but it really is a case of ‘so what’.. people enjoy pot. If cannabis didnt do something to something else, they likely wouldnt experience anything and we wouldnt be having this conversation – it is a pity though that some people think an ‘altered state or perception’ can not be medicinal or moral. Sex, sleep and sunshine ‘excite and hinder’ neurotransmitters.The brain is a curious thing! What I do with it, is my business. Absent cognitive liberty there is no self will, no property right, home is no castle and Habeus Corpus dies. Blair)
  • Mood and behaviour � marijuana use leads to difficulties in concentration paying attention, and the ability to learn complex information. There is also an impairment in the perception of time (see below), as well as of certain aspects of memory.
  • The idea has persisted that in the long run smoking marihuana causes some sort of mental or emotional deterioration. In three major studies conducted in Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Greece, researchers have compared heavy long-term cannabis users with nonusers and found no evidence of intellectual or neurological damage, no changes in personality, and no loss of the will to work or participate in society (18-20). The Costa Rican study showed no difference between heavy users (seven or more marihuana cigarettes a day) and lighter users (six or fewer cigarettes a day). Experiments in the United States show no effects of fairly heavy marihuana use on learning, perception, or motivation over periods as long as a year (21-24).
  • Heart � marijuana affects heart rate and blood pressure and simulates those conditions found in people under high stress.
  • No more than walking up a single flight of stairs. (or sex, although relative to cannabis, some positions are more dangerous than others)
  • The therapeutic ratio of cannabis is not known because there has never been a documented death due to an overdose of cannabis. However, extrapolated data from animal experiments provides an estimate for the ratio of lethal dose to therapeutic dose to range from 20,000 to 40,000. (the corresponding relation for alcohol is 4 – 10./Blair) 6,7,11

  • Lungs � marijuana contains 50 per cent more tar than tobacco (compensated by the fact that cannabis is smoked in much smaller quantities than tobacco./Blair) and has an irritating effect on the upper airways, including the sinuses and larynx. There is some evidence that it may cause lung, head and neck cancers.

  • The modern oral forms of (cannabis extractions) dronabinol and nabilone offer a safe alternative to tar containing smoke. However, the absorption of the active drug that reaches the general circulation is only 10%-20% of the administered dose.12 This causes difficulty in the control of dosage because each patient responds differently. When a patient smokes cannabis they can more easily control the amount of THC administered, and avoid the psychotropic effects. Several other methods of delivery are available such as nasal sprays, nebulizers, skin patches, pills and suppositories. Nebulizers heat the THC in cannabis to temperatures below the ignition point of the dried plant material, causing it to vaporize.6
  • The cancer cell-killing62 and pain relieving properties of cannabinoids are less well known to the general public. Cannabinoids may prove to be useful chemotherapeutic agents.63 Numerous cancers types are killed in cell culture and in animals by cannabinoids. For example, cannabinoids kill the cancer cells of various lymphoblastic malignancies such as leukemia and lymphoma,64 skin cancer,65, glioma,66 breast and prostate cancer, 67 pheochromocytoma,68 thyroid cancer 69 and colorectal cancer. 70
  • Although conclusions derived from an often-cited study examining the carcinogenic effects of cannabis, tobacco, and cannabis and tobacco combined claims to show a link between cannabis smoking and head and neck cancer,91 However, these results do not hold up under scrutiny. The study does support a link between tobacco use that is exacerbated by concurrent cannabis use and the development of head and neck cancer. However, the �cannabis use only� group was only composed of two subjects, undermining the statistical relevance of conclusions regarding this group / Bob Malamede, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chairman Biology Department University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

  • Sexual performance � studies have linked marijuana to a reduction in the number and quality of sperm. Sperm mobility is affected, with a consequent reduction in fertility. Considering that some of the people who have a drug lifestyle accompanied by the requisite criminal activities, this may actually be a positive!
  • Government experts concede that pot has no permanent effect on the male or female reproductive systems.1 A few studies have suggested that heavy marijuana use may have a reversible, suppressive effect on male testicular function.2 A recent study by Dr. Robert Block has refuted earlier research suggesting that pot lowers testosterone or other sex hormones in men or women.3 In contrast, heavy alcohol drinking is known to lower testosterone levels and cause impotence. A couple of lab studies indicated that very heavy marijuana smoking might lower sperm counts. However, surveys of chronic smokers have turned up no indication of infertility or other abnormalities.

    Less is known about the effects of cannabis on human females. Some animal studies suggest that pot might temporarily lower fertility or increase the risk of fetal loss, but this evidence is of dubious relevance to humans.4 One human study suggested that pot may mildly disrupt ovulation. It is possible that adolescents are peculiarly vulnerable to hormonal disruptions from pot. However, not a single case of impaired fertility has ever been observed in humans of either sex.

  • Blood flow � marijuana has been shown to decrease blood flow to the limbs. In extreme cases these may require amputation.

    • In 20 years of literature review, I have never seen this claim – indeed, I suspect the medical literature would evidence findings that are quite the contrary. The reported sense of wellbeing in many suffferers of arthritis is associated with the vasodilation, or opening of the blood vessels which also accounts for the apparent lowering of blood pressure (also taking strain of the heart). This is evident in the red eyes or flush cheeks experienced by some, if not most users. It is a tempory condition. Decreased blood flow to the limbs leading to amputation is by stark comparison a feature of common and increasingy so deiseases such as diabetes from fat uptake compounded by lack of excercise. Chronic tobacco smoking and other negative behavours such as execcive alcohol are also associated with poor circulation. It might also be notable to point out since this is my comment, PM10’s, airborne particulates from mobile source diesel decreases blood flow to the limbs, elevates blood pressure, vaso-contricts arteries in heart and brain and leads to stroke and heart failure. That is proven. Wheras cannabis is optional, breathing city air is not. Cannabis’s only medical association with amputation is as an effacous analgesic for phantom limb pain. NonSteroidals (what inflamation? what joint?) and Opiates are ineffective in chronic cases. /Blair

  • According to the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, the effects of marijuana on blood pressure are complex, depending on dose, administration, and posture. Marijuana often produces a temporary, “moderate” increase in blood pressure immediately after ingestion; however, heavy chronic doses may slightly depress blood pressure instead. One common reaction is to cause decreased blood pressure while standing and increased blood pressure while lying down, causing people to faint if they stand up too quickly. There is no evidence that pot use causes persisting hypertension or heart disease; some users even claim that it helps them control hypertension by reducing stress. One thing THC does do is to increase pulse rates for about an hour. This is not generally harmful, since exercise does the same thing, but it may cause problems to people with pre-existing heart disease. Chronic users may develop a tolerance to this and other cardiovascular reactions. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Report, pp. 66-67.

For anyone who argues the nature versus nurture nonsense, an Australian study of 311 pairs of identical and fraternal twins concluded that age and lifestyle were significant factors in drug dependency. A study of same-sex twins showed that those who experimented with marijuana before the age of seventeen were up to five times more likely to use harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine later, regardless of genetic and family background. (The Dutch Ministry of Justice estimates that 0.16% of cannabis users are heroin users. This figure does not support cannabis being a gateway drug.)

Anyway, enough said. (yeah, me too)

We know the damage that drugs can do and without going into an arduous menu of reasons (medical and legal) for maintaining harsh sanctions, I want to turn attention to one particular case.

utting all the above aside, the recent case of Neville Yates deserves special consideration. He has received his fourth conviction for marijuana cultivation and a ninth on cannabis-related grounds. He claims that his use of cannabis is for medicinal reasons. Even so he was given a four (five) month sentence of imprisonment.

I met Neville in my Christchurch office and in my opinion he is no angel. But�before we rush to judge too harshly we should also note that he is a disabled man who is wheelchair-bound and brain damaged.

  • The ability to control these fundamental neurological activities, in conjunction with the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids, is likely to have important regenerative health benefits for people suffering from neurological damage as occurs with stroke or injury.27

He suffers from chronic pain. Since a serious accident when he was 14 years old, he has had a stroke, suffered paralysis and has had one foot amputated.


Cannabinoids are effective analgesics in animal models with non-opiate mechanisms predominating. There are many anecdotal reports (Grinspoon & Bakalar, 1993) of benefits in bone and joint pain, migraine, cancer pain, menstrual cramps and labour….. THC is significantly superior to placebo and produces dose-related analgesia peaking at around 5 hours, comparable to but out-lasting that of codeine. Side-effects were also dose-related, and consisted of slurred speech, sedationand mental clouding, blurred vision, dizziness and ataxia. Levonantradol was also superior to placebo and notably long-acting,but almost half the patients reported sedation. Cannabinoids may have considerable potential in neuropathic pain (Institute of Medicine, 1999)

I certainly don�t want to diminish the prohibition against cannabis but I cannot see what is to be gained from incarcerating Neville Yates. What public interest will be served?

It will cost at least $20,000 to keep him in prison for that time. He will not be assured of much medical or therapeutic help; he�ll be a vulnerable target for the violent bullies who are in there for more serious offences; and he�ll come out no better, in all likelihood, worse. A more satisfactory scenario for Neville Yates would be a proper medical assessment and for him to be treated as a clinical rather than a criminal case; he should be given proper assistance to reclaim some semblance of a life that has been riddled with pain and tragedy. The point is he is not a dope fiend preying on others, but a heartbreaking example of a damaged person being further damaged by our lack of compassion � and no doubt immune to our sympathies because his brain damage has made him less sociably acceptable than most.

The issue here is less about the rights and wrongs of the marijuana debate but much more about how we fail to treat compassionately the less �cuddly� amongst us at the point where they need it most.

Marc Alexander MP

United Future NZ

PO Box 130037


Telephone 03-374 6804

Wellington email

Christchurch email

1. Dr. Christine Hartel, loc. cit.


3. Dr. Robert Block in Drug and Alcohol Dependence 28: 121-8 (1991).


6. Grinspoon L. Whither medical marijuana?, Contemporary Drug Problems, New York. Spring 2000.

7. Hall W, Solowij N. Adverse effects of cannabis, The Lancet, London. Nov 14, 1998.

Hubbard JR, Franco SE, Onaivi ES. Marijuana: Medical implications, American Family Physician, Kansas City. Dec1999.

12. Iverson LL. The Science of Marijuana. Oxford University Press, 2000. p121-175.

18. Carter WE. Cannabis in Costa Rica: a study of chronic marihuana use. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues; 1980.

19. Rubin VD, Comitas L. Ganja in Jamaica: a medical anthropological study of chronic marihuana use. The Hague: Mouton; 1975.

20. Stefanis CN, Dornbush RL, Fink M. Hashish: studies of long-term use. New York: Raven Press; 1977.

22. Braude MC, Szara S. Pharmacology of marihuana. New York: Raven Press; 1976.

22. Culver CM, King FW. Neuropsychological assessment of undergraduate marihuana and LSD users. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1974;31:707-711.

23. Lessin PJ, Thomas S. Assessment of the chronic effects of marihuana on motivation and achievement: a preliminary report. In: Braude MC, Szara S, editors. Pharmacology of marihuana. New York: Raven Press.; 1976.

24. Stefanis CN, Boulougouris J, Liakos A. Clinical and psychophysiological effects of cannabis in longterm users. In: Braude MC, Szara S, editors. Pharmacology of marihuana. New York: Raven Press; 1976.

27. Nagayama T, Sinor AD, Simon RP, et al. Cannabinoids and neuroprotection in global and focal cerebral ischemia and in neuronal cultures. J Neurosci 1999; 19:2987-2995.

62. Guzman M, Sanchez C, Galve-Roperh I. Cannabinoids and cell fate. Pharmacol Ther 2002; 95:175-184.

63. Parolaro D, Massi P, Rubino T, Monti E. Endocannabinoids in the immune system and cancer. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2002; 66:319-332.

64. McKallip RJ, Lombard C, Fisher M, et al. Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors as a novel therapy to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease. Blood 2002; 100:627-634.

65. Casanova ML, Blazquez C, Martinez-Palacio J, et al. Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by activation of cannabinoid receptors. J Clin Invest 2003; 111:43-50.

66. Sanchez C, Galve-Roperh I, Canova C, Brachet P, Guzman M. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells. FEBS Lett 1998; 436:6-10.

67. Melck D, De Petrocellis L, Orlando P, et al. Suppression of nerve growth factor Trk receptors and prolactin receptors by endocannabinoids leads to inhibition of human breast and prostate cancer cell proliferation. Endocrinology 2000; 141:118-126.

68. Wilson RGJ, Tahir SK, Mechoulam R, Zimmerman S, Zimmerman AM. Cannabinoid enantiomer action on the cytoarchitecture. Cell Biol Int 1996; 20:147-157.

69. Portella G, Laezza C, Laccetti P, De Petrocellis L, Di Marzo V, Bifulco M. Inhibitory effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor stimulation on tumor growth and metastatic spreading: actions on signals involved in angiogenesis and metastasis. FASEB J 2003; 17:1771-1773.

91. Zhang ZF, Morgenstern H, Spitz MR, et al. Marijuana use and increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999; 8:1071-1078.

Medical cannabis out, says Anderton [NZ Herald]

November 5, 2004

Jim Anderton

Medical cannabis out, says Anderton

04.11.2004 –

Associate Minister of Health Jim Anderton says he will not support a
bill allowing the cultivation of cannabis for pain relief.

But Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons believes the drug should
be allowed for medical reasons.

The issue has arisen after Christchurch man Neville Yates was sent to
jail for five months by Christchurch District Court Judge David
Holderness for growing cannabis he says he uses for pain relief.

Yates, who is wheelchair-bound and brain-damaged after being hit by a
truck 30 years ago, had been sent to jail in 1999 for the same offence.

Mr Anderton, chairman of the ministerial committee on drug policy, said
yesterday that he would not support a bill allowing cannabis cultivation
for pain relief.

“The Ministry of Health is looking into this issue but it has to do it
on a careful basis. It has to have clinical evidence and advice that
using cannabis for pain relief is safe,” he told National Radio.

Mr Anderton said the effects of smoking cannabis were even worse than

He said if cannabis was to be allowed for medical reasons, it had to be
properly administered and trialled clinically to ensure it did have the
benefits claimed.

“You can’t just say, ‘Let’s use anything, some leaf or something’,
you’ve got to have a set of clinical evidence and advice that this is
working properly under certain dosage, under certain medication

But Jeanette Fitzsimons argued for a change in the law.

“I have a private member’s bill in the ballot that would allow for
doctors’ consent to be given to allow cannabis to be used medicinally
when it is appropriate.”

It was “cruel and inhuman” to send Yates to jail, she said.

“It’s a miscarriage of justice to imprison a man who presents no danger
to society simply because he was using the only pain relief he found to
be effective and with far less serious side-effects than prescription

Mr Anderton said if cannabis was available in less dangerous forms than
smoking and was proved to work medically he would not have a problem
with it.

He said Yates had needed proper legal advice in court and hadn’t been
helped by his association with cannabis advocate Blair Anderson as an
in-court assistant.

The judge was also critical of Mr Anderson’s support of Yates.

“You were not greatly assisted by [Anderson] and other members of the
group who were, plainly, pro-cannabis advocates,” the judge said.

Yates had three previous convictions for cultivating cannabis and a
total of nine for cannabis-related offending


responses can be sent to

sig. Blair Anderson

cell phone 025 2657219
ph (643) 389 4065

Repossess his home; Neville Yates saga continues,

November 5, 2004

Repossess his home; Neville Yates saga continues,

I was Neville Yates personal assistant for his trial 2 November 2004. I just got a call from Neville Yates at Paparoa Prison. He told me he had just received a call from Housing N.Z. this afternoon 5 November, telling him they were going to repossess his home. Of course we are going to try and save it for him and are making inquiries right now as to how this may be achieved. It is very difficult for anybody to start again when they come out of jail, but so much harder for a disabled person.

We wonder if Judge David Holderness realises how far reaching his punishment would go, when he sent Neville to jail for five months.
The Judge said Neville was disabled therefore unable to perform community work. We have since discovered that some places, such as the Linwood Community Resource Centre do take on disabled people for community work. The Judge also stated Neville could not do home detention because that was where the crime had occurred. We read in the Press 30 October 2004 A3 where a pregnant wife-beater was being allowed to do some home detention where a much worse violent crime had occurred. In Neville’s case there was no violence and he himself stated that he was the only victim.
The Judge said “imposing a non custodial sentence would be to suggest some special category for cannabis cultivation offenses ” – but that is no reason to jail somebody. We already have the example of Ian Jackson who was discharged without conviction where the court accepted that the cannabis was for his medicinal use. Press 13 December 2003. Isn’t Neville’s life of equal worth – Neville did not mind if he must get a conviction, but a jail term for this offense is over the top.
Then the Judge picked on Neville’s friends and advisors. We feel this was the final insult that had nothing to do with matters of law and justice.

This was a prejudicial if not intimidating statement against a particular group of people for their political beliefs.
Irinka Britnell – Secretary Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party – Ph (03) 981 5878