Boys 12, 13 charged with selling drugs

Juvenile access to cannabis is assured under the premise of prohibition and a ‘law in gross disrepute’. (re: Monroe boys 12, 13 charged with selling drugs)

It is shameful that we treat young folk as criminals in order to send a message of intolerance of adult consensual activities. No doubt the ‘moral panic’ will invoke the very worst predictions for these kids (as evident by some comments here) but in reality what these kids are doing (both possession and sale) has become quite normal BECAUSE of prohibition financially incentivising the distribution network. There can be no doubt issues of young people and drugs is something we need to do something about… but it wont be fixed unless we address ourselves to the core problem – the abject failure of prohibitors to demonstrate efficacy of their rules. These kids are just a case in point.

Morning Call Online.

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