Cannabis is losing its cool for the young – The Observer UK

The Observer | UK News | Cannabis is losing its cool for the young:

I have just read Illicit drugs policy : using evidence to get better outcomes Dr Alex Wodak contributed to it

Also unsurprisingly – the obvious ommission from the early entry pot turns’ya psycho is any journalistic insight on health promotion and harm minimisation strategies. The bastards might have found that cannabis is “losing its cool for the young.”, where one of the lead researchers very precautionary advise is dont discount law reform.

[looking up to be a good election! ]

“Dr Lydia Krabbendam of Maastricht University, whose study showed that adolescents who use cannabis regularly over a four-year period were twice as likely to develop psychosis, said: ‘I don’t think the effects of cannabis can be used as an argument not to legalise it. It is probably very hard to ban it altogether, and if you legalise it you can regulate the amounts of THC [the active ingredient within cannabis]’.

Meanwhile, a survey released today shows that teenagers place illegal drugs at the bottom of the list of ways to get high. The study by the government drugs awareness campaign, Frank, shows that more than one in four 11- to 19-year-olds get their ‘best buzz’ from winning at their favourite sport. Only three per cent said that drugs gave them the best high. “

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“I’m unsurprised”……(Blair)

One Response to “Cannabis is losing its cool for the young – The Observer UK”

  1. Peter Reynolds Says:

    Medicinal herbal cannabis is now legal in Britain and throughout Europe provided you have a prescription from a doctor.

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