Archive for April, 2005

Intermediate school calls in drug dogs

April 8, 2005

The New Zealand Herald
08.04.05 by Stuart Dye


An intermediate school is calling in sniffer dogs to search children as young as 11 for fear drugs are finding their way into the playground.
Birkdale Intermediate, on the North Shore, has warned its parents and pupils that “drug dogs” will come to the school to carry out random checks.
A former policeman, now with a private firm, will come with the dogs on an unannounced date to check the pupils and their bags.


Arrggh..drug dogs and kids again. Front-page headlines along with rabid fear mongering by the vested interest treatment and prevention industry is dangerously and counterproductively creating the illusion in ALL Auckland pre-teens that ‘all their peers are doing it’, now they can’t bloody wait.All this in the absence of ANY cannabis at all. Some adult behavior is just incredulous. And we wonder why we have early onset psychosis. Adults are driving kids mad, no drugs required!