Nandor should welcome parliamentary scrutiny – United Future

Scoop: Nandor should welcome parliamentary scrutiny: “Mrs Turner said she was indebted to the drug advocacy group, NORML, and its publication Norml News, to which Mr Tanczos is a regular contributor, for pointing out that the Bill as it stood was open to the status of cannabis being changed down by an order-in-council.”

Indeed, truth be known, it was Ministry Officials attending a select committee presentation by the MildGreens more than five years ago (March 2000), that confirmed the writers longheld view that Caucus could initiatiate the process of Order in Council after advice to the Minister from its independent advisory council (EACD) – exactly as the Minister of Health Hon Annette King intended of due process, to take the politics out of drug policy. [a expiditious process commenced by National Party MP. Georgina Tehuhu in 1999). There was always going to be a public consultation, although true EACD consumer representation, another mild green initiative at select cmte. has been largely ignored. [How for example can needle exchange be expected to ever deliver outcomes correctly when stakeholder views are ignored – for moral reasons.]

Its not as if there hasnt been an ‘herbal’ inquiry, or a recommendation.

Which begs the question… Why would ‘pre-election’ Labour go along with this abberation in proscribed law making?

A clear breach of ethics by all party’s to the conspiracy.

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