Drug Amendment Bill a step towards evidence-based regime (Green

Stealing ideas based on solid unpaid analysis is just theft, but apparently such intellectual dishonesty  is OK for a ‘just’ cause!
see Scoop: Mild Greens deliver Class D Drug solution.
[pub. mar 7 2000]

The following propaganda is a Greens media release on “Drugs Amendment part of balanced strategy”   see

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Drug Amendment Bill a step towards evidence-based regime (Green Party media release)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 18:00:05 +1200
From: Nandor Tanczos <Nandor.Tanczos@parliament.govt.nz>

Drug Amendment Bill a step towards evidence-based regime (Green Party media release)

16 June 2005

Drug Amendment Bill a step towards evidence-based regime

The Greens are welcoming the passing today of the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) No. 3 Bill.

“We are happy this Bill has passed because we agree with its overall intent and are pleased to see that two Green proposals have now been enacted,” said the Green Party’s Drug Issues Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos.

We were the first to advocate the introduction of a ‘Schedule D’, a fourth rung in the Misuse of Drugs Act ladder that offers the option of restricting, rather than banning, some psycho-active substances.       

“The second is the targeting of precursors to methamphetamine, which last year we called on the Government to focus on controlling.”

“This Bill is a useful step towards a properly graduated and more realistic, evidence-based drug regime, and while we have had some concerns about the details and processes, overall we commend Mr Anderton for its passage,” said Nandor.

[You have received this message because we think we deserve our superannuation for life and are desperate for votes at the margins so we are taking all the credit in this policy area.
If you would like to keep receiving lies about Drug Policy and/or Justice, please apply to the Green Party, attn. Nandor Tanczos.

Can a bit of restorative justice fix this - we will just have to watch and see!  PS. methamphetamine prevalence is a product of poor drug policy and pandering to a failed system based on moral judgments and sending messages.  MDA#3 is just tatting on the quilt of dysfunction.

Blair Anderson 50 Wainoni Road. Christchurch, NZ http://mildgreens.com http://mildgreens.blogspot.com/ ph (643) 389 4065 cell/TXT 025 2657219 car-phone 025 2105080

One Response to “Drug Amendment Bill a step towards evidence-based regime (Green”

  1. Natalie Perzylo Says:

    The Greenies have shown their true colours (and it’s ain’t Mild either). It’s been very apparent in these days of ‘drugs policy amendment days’ that the Greenies will do anything in their power to get re-erected (oops.. I mean, well, you know… )They do not deserve to get a + million dollars in superannuation which they will if they get voted in again.Rod Donald and his co-worker (opps, I mean Jeanette) and other little bees in their bonnet (read: party members) don’t even want to talk about D R U G S unless they think it’s going to win them votes. And when they do, they think D R U G S policy was their idea.They are so deceitful that they almost deserve to be called…er… politicians !!!!

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