Editorial Drug Law Reform, 2002, 2005.

Otago Daily Times.
Saturday 23rd July.

Dear Sir,

You and your paper Sir, are a traitors to the truth.

Is your latest editorial on drug policy published in the nieve expectation that no one is going to challenge your deceptive claim.?

See your OWN PAPERS editorial pre-2002 election and tell me what changed? (attached)

Please tell me which part of the ‘terms of reference’ you didn’t understand.

Committee Chair, MP. Judy Keal made a point of reading these terms out at the commencement of every hearing “Inquiries into the public health strategies related to cannabis use and the MOST APPROPRIATE LEGAL
STATUS” (my emphasis).

If you have a problem with the strength of my language.. please NOTE I have published this on my blog below. It is in the public domain. I did say and publish:

“The Editor of the Otago Daily Times did, on the 22nd of July 2005 lie on the public record.”

The web address (attached) may assist remind you of the facts being considered. I am sure you will have no problem with the integrity of the source. http://www.mapinc.org/newscc/v02/n1362/a07.html?397

With that Sir, I request retraction and apology.

Blair Anderson
50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006
phone ++64 3 389-4065 cell 027 2657219

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