Bali High

Millions of ecstasy tablets are consumed every weekend – it is by all
accounts (including very scientific ones) an largely innocuous substance
with low harm to others, or self.

Indonesian ‘tough love’ laws are disproportionate in the extreme. The
recent death penalty by hanging for a pound of cannabis as exacted on
father of two, sporting icon and primary income earner for the
extended family is why New Zealanders with a social conscience have
grave concerns as to whom we have ‘free trade’ agreements. Ten years, or
even the duress of same, for what may yet not even be MDMA is an
injustice and offends all commonsense.

Meanwhile NSIADs such as VIOXX have killed 55,000 people worldwide.
(Assoc. Prof. Robert Melamede, University of Colorado 2005)

Blair Anderson
50 Wainoni Road.
Christchurch, New Zealand 8006
ph (++643) 389 4065 cell/TXT 027 2657219 car-phone 025 2105080

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