dope & mental health, a distortion and factually wrong

Addaction news: “Sunday Times report on mental health and cannabis was a �distortion and factually wrong�, says Addaction.

Release date: September 19th 2005

Addaction, the national drug and alcohol treatment charity today issued the following statement:

The Sunday Times published a story on September 18th under the heading �Mental Health Problems Soar Among Children Using Cannabis� by Will Iredale and Holly Watt that bore little relation to any information supplied by Addaction, and was, in our view, entirely misleading.”

Rosie Brocklehurst, Director of Communications at Addaction said: �The subject of cannabis-related psychosis is a very serious subject and the report in the Sunday Times made serious claims, based on no evidence supplied by us. We suspect the story was influenced by the Sunday Times wish to write a piece before the imminent deliberations by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. The ACMD will be reviewing the scientific evidence on cannabis use and misuse and will be making recommendations to the Government in the light of those deliberations.

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