Youth takes a bow in British vote

“A Compassionate Conservative” – Cameron goes against Prime Minister Blair

but hangon.. isnt this the same Cameron?

Tory contender calls for more liberal drug laws

“David Cameron, the Tory leadership contender, believes the UN should consider legalising drugs and wants hard-core addicts to be provided with legal ‘shooting galleries’ and state-prescribed heroin. He also supported calls for ecstasy to be downgraded from the class-A status it shares

“Cameron’s is a face unmarked by history, the ideal embodiment of a party that wants for a time to forget that it has a past, to strip away the burdensome memories of economic disaster and the end of society, the more persuasively to address itself to the future,” one columnist, Anne Perkins, wrote in The Guardian. Cameron might also face criticism of a more personal kind. He has refused to say whether he took drugs such as cocaine while a college student

Also reported in the New York Times. of course, what it doesn’t mention is Cameron’s predisposition to drug law reform. /Blair

One Response to “Youth takes a bow in British vote”

  1. Graham Watson Says:

    Hi Blair,I hope all is well. I have linked this story to our blog.

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