Archive for February, 2006

Avian Flu Epidemic Scare is a Hoax, Dr. Joseph Mercola.

February 28, 2006

….the U.S. placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion. . . .

We are being told that Roche manufactures Tamiflu and, in a recent New York Times article, they were battling whether or not they would allow generic drug companies to help increase their production. . . . But if you dig further you will find that a drug was actually developed by a company called Gilead that 10 years ago gave Roche the exclusive rights to market and sell Tamiflu. . . . Ahh, The Plot Thickens . . .

If you read the link below from Gilead, you’ll discover Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was made the chairman of Gilead in 1997.

Nothing About Us Without Us Canadian HIV / AIDS Legal Network

February 27, 2006

Good to see the phrase popping up in the same sentences as ‘drugs’,  /Blair

“Nothing About Us Without Us”
Greater, Meaningful Involvement of People Who Use Illegal Drugs: A Public Health, Ethical and Human Rights Imperative


Healey blasts Legislature for `wrong priorities’ –

February 24, 2006

Healey blasts Legislature for `wrong priorities’ – “‘We’re also dealing with issues I think are low priority — like decriminalizing marijuana — at the same time when I haven’t even had a hearing yet on some very important drug reforms like making our laws tougher on methamphetamine use.'”

Its not just New Zealand facing down the double standards.
Boston is for many reasons, my favourite US city.
/ Blair

The Marlborough Express: Where can I get cocaine asks TV star

February 24, 2006

— snip —
“Kronfeld’s reference to cannabis was brief.

Waterworth: ‘Hey, that last little bit I gave ya, f. . . that was mean skunk, wasn’t it?’

Kronfeld: ‘Aw man, it was hellish.’

Waterworth: ‘Wasn’t it, I just loved the smell of it.’

Kronfeld: ‘Yep, I’ve still got a tiny little bit.’

Kronfeld again, later: ‘I’ll just save that for just a little, ah, special moments.'”
— end snip —

Spot the All Black!

Drug Fears For Jobless Mill Staff

February 21, 2006

“Meanwhile, Rotorua Hospital psychiatrist Shailesh Kumar said 30 to 40 per cent of admissions to New Zealand psychiatric wards were triggered by cannabis use.

‘The harmful effects of cannabis are widespread and far-reaching. Marijuana is noted to cause or precipitate acute psychosis especially in the vulnerable population – those with pre-existing mental illness or complicated physical health issues such as brain injury or delirium,’ he said.

A study which followed the progress of young people using cannabis found it often led to harder drugs and socially unacceptable behaviour.

While the drug was not physically addictive, it caused psychological dependence for the user, Dr Kumar said. Some users claim marijuana provides pain relief but there is no scientific evidence to back this up.

A Rotorua counsellor, who did not want to be identified, said she had thought of cannabis as a passive drug until she witnessed the damage it did to clients. “

Seven in 10 young crooks use cannabis daily | the Daily Mail

February 21, 2006

More than seven out of 10 teenage criminals have smoked cannabis every day for at least 12 months, a government report has revealed.

The study shows for the first time the shocking link between use of the drug and a youngster’s chances of ending up behind bars.”

Forgive me, but there is some very long bows being drawn here. There are various estimates arround the 70% of all young folk having smoked cannabis and many of those will do it daily for periods of time. Prohibition means its not safe to have around. Consumption is compulsory.

A weird prohibitors “harm reduction’ encourages ‘smoke the evidence’ quick!!

The criminogenic correlation with kids ‘in trouble’ is a product of prohibition. Additionaly the presence of cannabis in the youth community, coupled to Cannabis being a crime in and of itself perverts the relationship.
Putting these kids in moral boot camp invites dissent and disprespect for rule of law.

What is required is restorative justice, not brutal intolerance.

Checkout the rest of the UK article,
“political football and no referee!” /Blair

Alcohol, not drugs, poses biggest date rape risk – New Scientist

February 21, 2006

New Scientist: Alcohol, not drugs, poses biggest date rape risk – News: “DRINKING, not drink spiking, may be behind the vast majority of date rapes. An analysis of blood and urine samples suggests that while most victims were drunk at the time of the assault, very few had swallowed sedatives.”

Not surprising research at all. This was found to be the case in Western Australia several years ago.
A consequence of “labelling” social behavours is they are often misidentified for complex socialogical reasons, none more so than where moral entrepeneurs are involved!. /Blair

Cops receive complaint of ‘mediocre cannabis’

February 20, 2006

February 18 2006 at 12:10PM

A cannabis smoker has been arrested after complaining to police that he was sold bad weed.

Hans-Juergen Bendt, 52, from Darmstadt, lodged a complaint about his dealer with police after he sold him seven ounces of ‘completely unenjoyable’ hash.

Bendt complained the dealer refused to refund him the �270 (about R2816) he had paid for the drugs.

But despite the official complaint, in which Bendt described himself as a victim of ‘fraud’ involving drugs of ‘absolutely mediocre quality’, the officers failed to act upon the allegations and booked the complainant instead.

He is now being charged for the illegal purchase and possession of narcotic substances.”

NZH, letter to the editor, In Our Name

February 16, 2006


In Our Name.

The muted response to the Balinese court imposed killings suggests the prejudices surrounding drugs are such that this is entirely acceptable ‘humane public policy’. Few will acknowledge these judicial executions will do nothing to change harms,  availability or quantity of drugs consumed [BALI NINE EXECUTIONS / NZH 16/02/2006].

The US lead, abstinence based UN Single Convention on Narcotics, of which New Zealand and Australia are signatories is answerable for this manufactured consent, not ‘license to kill’  national sovereignty as is excused by some commentators. The right to do justice by ballistic invasion, neck stretching, shock and chemical intervention for what is a consensual adult activity is never questioned. It is at serious odds with best practice health promotion that we shoot anyone anywhere, to send a signal.


Blair Anderson
Director, Educators for Sensible Drug Policy
50 Wainoni Road. Christchurch, New Zealand 8006
ph (++643) 389 4065 cell/TXT 027 2657219 car-phone 025 2105080

“A maxim for the twenty-first century might well be to start by not fighting evil in the name of good, but by attacking the certainties of people who claim always to know where good and evil are to be found.” Tzvetan Todorov

10 Years on – Drugs and Our Community

February 15, 2006

see Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy – Titles and Summaries:

1996 Australia Drugs and our Community – Report of the Premier’s Drug Advisory Council, Melbourne: Victorian Government, March, 1996

1996 US Report and Recommendations of the Drug Policy Task Force, New York County Lawyers Association.
The recommendations are:

1. Pursue Alternative Models in Establishing Future Drug Policy
2. Provide Immediate Sentencing Relief and Additional Judicial Discretion in Criminal Prosecution of Drug Cases
3. Reduce the Harms Associated With Substance Abuse and Drug Prohibition
4. Concentrate Law Enforcement Resources on Reducing Violent Crime and Prosecution of Violent Criminal Offenders
5. Reshape the Drug Policy Debate — Return to Objective Analysis and Realistic Goals
6. Implement Public Education Campaign on Drug Use and Substance Abuse
7. Decriminalize Marijuana
8. Reverse Encroachments on Civil Rights and Restore ‘Due Process of Law’
9. Provide Alternative Social and Economic Opportunity for Inner City Youth
10. End War on Youth and Inner City Communities — Restore Confidence and Integrity in Government”

How far have we come?