10 Years on – Drugs and Our Community

see Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy – Titles and Summaries:

1996 Australia Drugs and our Community – Report of the Premier’s Drug Advisory Council, Melbourne: Victorian Government, March, 1996

1996 US Report and Recommendations of the Drug Policy Task Force, New York County Lawyers Association.
The recommendations are:

1. Pursue Alternative Models in Establishing Future Drug Policy
2. Provide Immediate Sentencing Relief and Additional Judicial Discretion in Criminal Prosecution of Drug Cases
3. Reduce the Harms Associated With Substance Abuse and Drug Prohibition
4. Concentrate Law Enforcement Resources on Reducing Violent Crime and Prosecution of Violent Criminal Offenders
5. Reshape the Drug Policy Debate — Return to Objective Analysis and Realistic Goals
6. Implement Public Education Campaign on Drug Use and Substance Abuse
7. Decriminalize Marijuana
8. Reverse Encroachments on Civil Rights and Restore ‘Due Process of Law’
9. Provide Alternative Social and Economic Opportunity for Inner City Youth
10. End War on Youth and Inner City Communities — Restore Confidence and Integrity in Government”

How far have we come?

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