Archive for March, 2006

Whose reputation is at stake? The real ATM fraud

March 30, 2006

The current Skimming fraud ($23,000 dollars) pales besides millions in monthly credit/debit card ‘bad debt right off’ .(yeah Right!)

Card scams for that is all this is, highlights why a low level of security on four digit ATM access privileges remain necessary.
All is not what it seems, for example, the consequence of biometrics ‘fingerprinting’ may only serve to elevate harms (severed fingers) in the same way that secure technology protecting cars has lead to gun enabled highjackings. Why break the code when a gun to the head works.

So it is with ‘brute force’ at guesing 10,000 PIN’s. A microchip will do that in microseconds, but why go to the trouble when you can just video the fingers, the investment is low, the dividend assured. Crime always takes the path of least resistance, cost and inconveniance.

Nearly all banks ‘hash the pin’ (make it a secret) from a selected list of proprietary techniques. Most choose IBM’s. It is weak.

The problem with ATM cards IS where the risk is borne.

Ask yourself this question, Why is the consumer liability on a credit card $50.00 and on debit,  someone’s entire liquid assets.?  The only protection is who steals your handbag/wallet is guilty of ‘theft’ and the punishment is, well; the criminal deterrence. The clearance rate on handbag theft is?

The cost of identity theft is reputation! For banks it’s become about their reputation, a PR issue…
Predictably they announce ‘new chip technology’ is being trialed now…. 

First my dog, now my ID… um, where’s the conversation about this?

It is time to demand that banks work to our security on our terms. The asset’s ‘digital rights’ belong to us, the consumer.

I was many years ago, responsible for the Burrough’s network surrounding the worlds first true ‘online’ ATM capable banking system, operated by the Southland Savings bank.
Thirty years ago it was currency independent… global and real-time.

It later became the bones of TrustBank.

After an offshore takeover (WestPak),  the code was expended citing incompatible/transition costs. At the time overtures of USA influence I could characterise as ‘if you dont bank with us, your banking against us.’ surrounded highly profitable interbank transactions. Have no illusions, ‘drug revenue laundering ‘ made good fodder when arguing for USA’s  transaction transparency.

In a wired ‘IP’ world, that suite of code, operating private  fungible transactions for ‘everything that moves, anywhere’  would have made the net worth of TradeMe’s intellectual property – look like pocket change. 

Pity really, Southland’s unconstrained bank gave consumer real service, the control [protection] of their identity, information and reputation  you could write a cheque on.

And we didnt have a drug problem, nor chips in our dogs.
Follow the money…..

--  Blair Anderson 
[longtime] Antipodean Member of the Harvard Club based, Electronic Commerce Society of Boston. 

50 Wainoni Road.
Christchurch, New Zealand 8006

Carbon Rationing

March 29, 2006

Blair was here..(Tony, the PM) and said nothing constructive….
just that Kyoto breaks down after 2012 and we have to get the USA onboard. (nothing about the developing countries participating or that there is even an alternative on the table)

All of which is what I told Lincoln Rotary…a year ago, and its what I told the Prime Ministers Inquiry into Climate Change 6 years ago….

Sheese, there is currently a climate change conference procedding in WGN and C&C s is not even rating!

I’m thinking it is time to start pointing the bone!

Disintegration of Government in Afghanistan – Senlis Council

March 27, 2006

Insurgency Assessment Report Reveals Disintegration of Government Control in Pashto Belt of Southern Afghanistan

  • Anti -Government Elements including Taliban/Al Qaeda rapidly gaining control and becoming more aggressive
  • Report shows forced poppy eradication is responsible for the dramatic decrease in government control
  • Government vacuum in Pashto Belt leaves it vulnerable to takeover from increasingly powerful Pakistani Elements

KABUL – A ground breaking report released in Kabul today by The Senlis Council, an international security and development think tank, indicates that the forced eradication of farmers’ poppy crops in the Pashto belt of Afghanistan is leading to a rapid disintegration of government control and an increase in Taliban/Al-Qaeda power. The Report concludes that crop eradication and security objectives are dramatically at odds and that local confidence in government or foreign military presence has essentially disintegrated.

“This confidence will be very difficult to restore, and without it many of Afghanistan’s provinces along the Pakistan border will be lost to insurgents and terrorist groups,” said Emmanuel Reinert, Executive Director of The Senlis Council.

The Council said that the British-led counter-narcotics interventions in Afghanistan since 2001 have been both ineffective and have contributed to the degeneration of relations with local communities rather than helping to “win the hearts and minds” of the very people who are needed to build the newly formed democracy.

Alternative Development responses wholly inadequate
The Council said that alternative development and alternative livelihood efforts to date and been severely mismanaged and ineffective.  The study revealed that throughout the provinces of Nanagahar, Kandahar and Helmand farmers reported wholly inadequate or completely absent Alternative development responses.

Pashto Belt Vulnerable to takeover from Pakistani Elements
The Report revealed that economic and social indicators show a dramatic increase in de facto Pakistani control in the Pashto Belt.

“Indicators point to a clear push from some elements in Pakistan into the Pashto Belt,” said Reinert. “Southern Afghanistan is extremely vulnerable to de facto Pakistani control. Only the presence of International forces is stopping this.”

The Council said that the vacuum created by the loss of confidence in the international community and control of the central government provides the opportunity for certain Pakistani elements to step in and gain control.

 The Report concludes that the international community and the Afghan Government must work urgently to regain the confidence of these rural communities if the control of these southern provinces is not to descend into the hands of insurgents and the Pakistani elements – a scenario which could ultimately lead to the country falling back into civil war.

Farmers sign declaration against poppy eradication in Nangahar Province

In a recent meeting in the Nangahar province, nearly 300 farmers signed a declaration calling on the government to stop all forced eradication immediately, stating that they desire peace, security and development in Afghanistan, that they would like to license opium for the production of medicines such as morphine and codeine during the next harvesting season and that growing opium for the production of these medicines would be Halal – or legal – under Islamic law.


Ms Jane Francis
+93 (0)75 200 1176 / +93 (0)799 843 671

Mr Almas Bawar
+93 (0)75 200 1176 / +93 (0)799 491 738

About the Senlis Council

The Senlis Council is an international security and development policy think tank, established by The Network of European Foundations. One of the key projects of the Council is the Drug Policy Advisory Forum – a programme dedicated to evaluating the effectiveness of the current global drug policy. By convening politicians, high profile academics, independent experts and Non-Governmental Organisations, The Senlis Council aims to work as the dialogue partner with senior policy-makers at the national and international levels in order to foster high-level exchanges and new ideas on bridging security and development.

For more information, visit

--  Blair Anderson Techno Junk and Grey Matter  50 Wainoni Road.    Christchurch, New Zealand 8006   ph (++643) 389 4065   cell/TXT 027 2657219   car-phone 025 2105080  Director, Educators For Sensible Drug Policy 

I-Spy kit to bust kids on a high

March 27, 2006

Manawatu Standard: I-Spy kit to bust kids on a high:

“Parents who want to know whether their children have become involved with drugs can now get their answer with a quick puff of aerosol spray.

Their children need never know if the drug test has been carried out, because the kits are not used on them, but on things they have touched.

Drugs that can be detected by the Mistral range of sprays developed in Israel and now stocked by a Levin company, include cannabis, heroin, cocaine, methamphetmine, or P, and other amphetamines.”

Children addicted to ‘super cannabis’, NZHerald

March 23, 2006

The [dutch] children who are heavy users have arrested development. Somebody of 18 is mentally developed to the age of about 15. They perform badly at school, cannot sustain friendships and have problems in their relationships.

‘Most of the time nobody realises that it is caused by their use of soft drugs.’
/ Dr. Romeo Ashruf, Mar 22, 2006 NZH

This [origin:UK] featured in our largest daily newspaper, although the focus is on dutch children the ‘prevelence of use’ is not discussed, nor the sample size, age distribution or references to same. (cf: NZ ‘early entry’ where in NE late and moderate use is norm). There is a paucity of evidence that validates pot = teenage angst is causual – that its the cannabis, stupid!, is what this article cleary aims to project.

The article (predictably) has no mention of the spokepersons vested interest in treatment ‘delivery’ or that this addiction expert is suffering from clinicians falacy. Whenever ‘providers’ face budget worries as they personaly try to save the world ‘from addiction and serious health effects’, they fail to note their adult compatriots are massive tobacco users and alcohol, both freely available and promoted, consumes lives and health budgets and leaves a legacy of social mayhem.

How succesful is this addiction specialist in treating the endless tide of youth or of ‘informing’ concerned parents who read this unbalanced ‘health promotion’ rubbish.
(full of claims that would send any informed kid crazy….)

Consider, what ever it is that the Netherlnds is doing right, or wrong, in drug policy, it certainly is to be applauded for having youth cannabis rates at about one fifth of ours. Four out of five kiwi kids have tried, 1:5 currently do, are, and will again. If arrested development is the inevitiable consequence (Dr. Ashruf did say ’cause’) then they must have been all high achieving, well adjusted intellectual giants as kids.

So amotivated are these dutch teens according to Ashrufs ‘fears’, they are 1/5th as likely to commit suicide as there kiwi peer, a quarter as likely to father a child or get pregenant, a quarter as likely to catch a STD or have ‘trouble with the law’? How do I convince skeptics that this has nothing to do with dutch drug policy?

Should we just target these, our brightest kiwi kids and tell them they are the ones at risk? But, hangon, we are already! We spend good money doing it. Money some say, might be better spent on basketballs than the myth of “The Great Brain Robbery” (7:1, Ray Kendall, Interpol)

See….. Its not the damn kids, or the drugs, it’s policy, stupid!
When “Joe Kiwi” is not allowed that adult conversation, we need a climate change!

Blair Anderson,
Director, Educators For Sensible Drug Policy

Jack Cole debates UN’s Antonio Marie Costa [BBC]

March 20, 2006

As previously posted but defered due to death of the Balkan war criminal, here is an informative discussion between Antonio Marie Costa, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime [UNODC]; Danny Kushlick of Transform Drug Policy Foundation, the United Kingdom’s leading drug policy reform organization; and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Executive Director, Jack Cole on the future of UK and world drug policy. [live TV, internet and radio broadcast, BBC world service, Sunday 19th March 06. 14:00 GMT ]

Listen to a recording of the programme online here or the video here.

Wales Police Chief wants drug gangs action

March 20, 2006
Brunstrom wants drug gangs action

The chief constable of North Wales Police has said the UK’s policy of criminalising drugs has “caused an explosion in organised crime”.

Richard Brunstrom told BBC Wales’ Week In Week Out that making certain drugs illegal has meant control and supply has been handed over to criminal gangs.

Mr Brunstrom called for a radical review of UK drug policy.

But David Raynes from the National Drug Prevention Alliance said most people did not want drugs legalised.

‘Devastatingly damaging’

Mr Brunstrom told the programme that he had no problem with having to police the current drug laws, but said a war on drugs was unwinnable.

“We have created an environment that can be exploited by organised crime, and (the criminals) are doing so,” said Mr Brunstrom.

“Literally, billions of pounds a year in the UK alone is being gathered by organised crime from drug addicts, every single penny of it illegal.

“We have caused an explosion in organised crime and in gun crime and the consequences of that flow through our entire society – it has been a really devastatingly damaging policy.”

He added that society stigmatising drug addicts as “lower than low” fuelled the UK’s drugs problem still further.

“You are some form of sub-human, you are somebody to be avoided at all costs, to be alienated and excluded and expelled from society, shunned, despised, but that goes with the territory, if you have a criminal-based regime,” he said.

If possession was no longer a criminal offence there would be no restraining influence whatsoever
David Raynes, National Drug Prevention Alliance

“Half of all stealing is caused directly to support a drugs habit.

“So there’s an enormous tidal wave of damage caused not just by drugs but specifically by the fact that they are illegal. It’s nonsense placed upon nonsense.”

He said that a wider debate was needed to find solutions with leadership from senior people in public agencies.

“I think there is an increasing recognition that what we have been doing simply doesn’t work,” he added.

“And I think (there is) an increasing recognition that we have been playing into the hands of the drugs cartels, we have been making their money for them – that we have been foolish to do so.”

‘Sadness of situation’

Mr Brunstrom’s call for drug use to be tackled differently was supported by Martin Blakeborough who runs the Kaleidoscope project helping addicts in Newport.

He told Week in Week Out: “I think the sadness of the situation at the moment is we are just looking at it as a criminal justice issue and not as a health issue.”

But David Raynes from the National Drug Prevention Alliance – an organisation which campaigns for anti-drug policies – said calls to liberalise drugs laws were “utter nonsense” adding that “most of the population don’t want drugs legalised”.

He said: “If possession was no longer a criminal offence…there would be no restraining influence whatsoever. This infectious disease for society would spread and spread.

“We cannot do away with the criminal justice system playing some part in the overall system of the way we treat drugs because it’s the criminal justice system that first persuades and gets people into treatment.

“There is nothing else that catches them.”

Week In Week Out is broadcast on BBC1 Wales on Tuesday, 14 March at 2235 GMT.

Long Term effects of Life Education

March 19, 2006

Life Education Trust – Drug Search – MARIJUANA: “LONG-TERM EFFECTS

* toxic effect on brain nerve cells
* increased risk of lung cancer
* risk of chronic bronchitis
* respiratory diseases/cancer
* energy loss
* slow, confused thinking
* memory impairment
* apathy
* suppressed effects on sperm
* impaired immune system
* blood vessel blockage


* diarrhea
* cramps
* weight loss/gain
* impaired sex drive

The marijuana user may experience a physical dependence on the drug.

If marijuana use is abruptly stopped, certain withdrawal symptoms will be experienced:

* nausea
* insomnia
* irritability
* anxiety

Although these symptoms may cause discomfort for a short time, the benefits to a person who stops using the drug greatly outweigh an addiction to marijuana.

Oh yeah…. go ask the 500,000 kiwi cannabis ‘offenders’, they would laugh in your face! Impaired sex drive indeed!

Washington State: Seattle policy success?

March 17, 2006

Washington: In The News: “Seattle’s move to de-prioritize marijuana arrests is working — arrests for marijuana use are down, pot smoking is not up, and other cities are following our lead. So what’s next? How about ending the war on drugs?”

Illicit Drug Use Starts With Cannabis

March 17, 2006

(this seminal research release is getting huge coverage elsewhere too.. but here for the record  is the definitive local release.)

Illicit Drug Use Starts With Cannabis
Tuesday 14th March, 2006

Illicit Drug Use Starts With Cannabis

Latest research from the long-running Christchurch Health and Development Study at the Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences examines the relationship between the use of cannabis and other illicit drugs in a sample of 1000 Christchurch born young people between the ages of 15 – 25. The research results have just been released in the international journal ‘Addiction’.

Prof. Fergusson concludes with “If, however, the association arises because using cannabis encourages young people to experiment with other illicit drugs the results could be seen as supporting the prohibition of cannabis use”.

Regrettably most of the sound bite media I have heard omits this bit, but in of itself it is not a satisfactory conclusion – Prohibition may still be the function that encourages young people’ access and thus while Prof. Fergussons’s research supports that there may be a causal ‘gateway’ relationship where prohibition serves to encourage early entry, encourage participation in and  maintain illicit trade networks,  maximizes personal risk from the set and setting and elevates social dysfunction.

Further, Fergussons conclusions suggest that cannabis policy can be reduced to a problem, solution paradigm.

His ‘conclusionary’ [safe and well intentioned] bet each way  is IMHO challengable. It is certainly at odds with Fergussons early suggestion (basically unreported) that incremental adjustments towards reform should be made measured and monitored.

Until we do the definitive cost benefit analysis on the prohibitory practice we cannot know which box to tick..
I am sure others will have something to add….
