The wrong white crowd

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From: Blair Anderson <>
Date: Jun 8, 2006 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: EFSDP: ‘Voices of Substance’ reply

this useful graph might put into stark perspective why NZ needs the ‘cure’.

Consider: by this graph, For every Canadian toker, there are three in NZ!,
No wonder we are known as "the Land of the Long White Cloud"  [Aotearoa, a reference to its distinctive navigable ‘indicator’ when at sea, but now taking on a new cultural largess.]
NZ’s Sociologists/Ethnologists are reluctant to even acknowledge that cannabis in God zone country has a culture! Or that the culture is us. We are as it were, lost in the land of the wrong white crowd.
My hometown of Invercargill has maybe about 5 adults in 1000 who ascribe to their Celtic heritage… but the town is recognised as, indeed, is famous for being "culturally Scottish".
Yet, according to Auckland University studies [APHRU 2001] it can be reasonably assumed that  about 540 of them would admit to having toked in their lifetime.
Now, in 150(or less) words that a politician can understand, discuss the ‘cultural assessment’ in this picture?


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