Archive for July, 2006

Relevent to EACD, what do you think?

July 31, 2006
A bit more useful analysis on the practice and error(s) of drug classification. /Blair


Transform Drug Policy Foundation argue that the drug classification system:

• is based upon the false assumptions underlying historical prohibition of specific drugs rather than evidence of the efficacy of the classification system at reducing drug harms

• is not predicated on a framework that enables policy makers to make decisions about how to classify drugs – as no meaningful indicators exist to measure effectiveness

• is neither strategically planned nor effectively reviewed and evaluated against meaningful indicators

• is compartmentalised and not subject to cross departmental review

That government risk assessment regarding drugs is:

• inconsistent, frequently ignoring expert advice both internal and external

• driven by uninformed media coverage and non-scientific government disinformation based around the demonisation of illegal drugs rather than their inherent dangers.

That the Advisory Council’s decision-making process is not transparent, is politically constrained, is ministerially determined, and has failed to advise on the most important policy issues.

That there is a distinct lack of publicly funded research in key policy areas because of the reticence of policy makers to expose policy failings.

That successive Governments have sought to hype the dangers of illicit drugs rather than communicate scientific advice effectively.

That the result of the above is a drug classification system that fails to deliver on its policy objectives and underpins a wider drug policy that increases drug harms rather than decreasing them.



Transform Drug Policy Foundation recommends that the Science and Technology Select committee:

Short term

• Call for an overhaul of the drug classification system in line with expert evidence.

• Call for ACMD [NZ’s equivalent is the EACD] deliberations to be fully transparent, and all reports to be made public.

• Call for appropriate research to establish an evidence base for the classification system’s effectiveness in reducing harm, including a set of meaningful indicators to be established against which such effectiveness can be measured.

Medium term

• Call for a cross departmental review of the efficacy of the enforcement of prohibition and penalties as defined by the classification system

• Call for a quadripartite select committee to review UK drug policy more broadly including a more detailed consideration of alternative policy options including shifting the drug brief from the Home Office to the Department of Health, and the possibility of legally regulated and controlled production and supply of some or all currently illegal drugs.

from TDF call for action:


Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065

World Council of Churches: Solidarity on Climate Change

July 31, 2006

Call to action in solidarity

The Kyoto Protocol must be indeed ratified, but at the same we urge governments to proceed without delay with a new round of negotiations whose targets must be determined in the light of the long-term perspective. Two basic requirements must be met:

1. Stabilisation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level in accordance with the overall objective of the Climate Change Convention.

2. A fair distribution of rights and obligations, by establishing the concept of per capita emission rights for all countries, as proposed in the Contraction and Convergence scheme.


All Africa Council of Churches
Alt Katholische Diakonie, Germany
Anglican Diocese of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, Sri Lanka
Association of Protestant Churches and Missions (EMW), Germany,
Bread for all and HEKS, Switzerland
Brot-fuer-die-welt, Germany
Christian Aid, United Kingdom
Christian Conference of Asia
Christian World Service, New Zealand
Church of Sweden Aid, Sweden
Church of the Brethren (General Board), USA
Church World Service, USA
Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA), India
Conference of European Churches
DanChurchAid, Denmark
European Christian Environmental Network
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, USA
Global Ministries, The Netherlands,
Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation (ICCO), The Netherlands,
Norwegian Church Aid, Norway
Oikos, The Netherlands
Pacific Conference of Churches
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Church in Canada (National Committee of World Service and Development), Canada
United Church of Canada (Justice, Global and Ecumenical Relations Unit), Canada
World YWCA
WEED, Germany

For more information, contact:
Dr. David G. Hallman, Climate Change Programme Coordinator, World Council of Churches E-mail:

Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065

Keeping drugs illegal undermines authority

July 31, 2006
Written by fellow EFSDP.ORG and law reform advocate, Russel Barth – this letter exeplifies how a published opinion can be tackled head on in the letters sections. of the newspapers…
To The Editor,
Re: Respect for authority has vanished, Quinn’s Quips, July 22. Respect for authority truly has vanished – due in large part to drug prohibition. When the enforcement of absurd laws is given such high priority, it undermines all the good work that police do. Also, a police officer will get “suspension with pay” for a crime that would have a civilian in jail for three years. How can anyone be expected to obey the laws when the people we hire to enforce them can’t be trusted to obey them? Something as heinous as molesting a child and ruining a whole family’s life will get you the same jail sentence as growing a few pot plants in your backyard. Is that “justice”? We live in a drug culture that advertises booze, fast cars, fast food, violent movies and video games and drugs of all kinds on TV. Then we tell kids “say no to drugs.” They see right though this hypocrisy. Taking the drug business out of the hands of teens and criminals and putting it into the hands of responsible adults is socially conservative. Generating tax revenue from that industry is fiscally conservative, and using that money to teach kids why they should avoid drugs is morally conservative. By not legalizing and regulating drug production and sales, we subsidize criminals, make drugs easier for kids to access than either tobacco or alcohol, waste valuable police resources and deprive ourselves of billions in annual tax revenue. All of this serves to undermine respect for authority. If we want to regain respect for authority, the authorities have to stop behaving in absurd, contradictory and hypocritical ways.
Russell Barth, medical marijuana licence holder, Ottawa

Blair Anderson

New England Journal of Medicine on federal foolishness

July 29, 2006
Abrams described a historically significant episode that revealed how the medical establishment -not just the [US] government- has upheld prohibition.
In 1997 after the law was changed in California, Jerome Kassirer, who was Editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, wrote an editorial on medical marijuana called ‘federal foolishness,’ saying ‘We know this drug works, everybody has their anecdotal experience of people who have benefited from it, get over it, reschedule it, make it schedule 2.
Unfortunately, … he very shortly thereafter became no longer the editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.
c/- Donald Abrams

Blair Anderson

Biodiversity key to sustainable biofuel

July 19, 2006

Ecosystems containing many different plant species are not only more productive, they are also better able to withstand and recover from climate extremes, pests and disease over long periods of time.

Biodiversity key to sustainable biofuel
according to University of Minn. researcher’s findings

So why are we even considering 10’s of thousands of hectares of monoculture dairy on the Canterbury central plains based on water drawn from rivers at a rate of 800/liters per liter of milk production ?

Water is not a tradable right for expeditious corporate plunder.

Is it not about stymieing the central plains irrigation project, rather, questioning what is the sustainable (best) land use and economic solution for the region. That is not evident in the current resource consent proposal.

It may mean a significant irrigation project non-the-less.. just not this proposal.
Blair Anderson

“Energy security must include environmental security, there are no disputes or problems in this regard.” Putin 2006 G8

Marijuana legalization? Nevadian says No thanks

July 16, 2006
The USA based newspaper and online media “Nevada Appeal” reported a contrary view to a proreform oped here. Of course NEvada is known for its liberal gampling, alcohol tobacco and other vices… but pot – lordy be. see

The preposterous assertions drawn from the New Zealand cannabis studies exemplify those who call any notion of drug policy reform a weakening in resolve to win the unwinnable.
Christchurch’s Professor Furgusson has been at pains to say that some form of reform has merit. His research failed to identify causation, only that there is a mechanism behind the ‘association’. One such mechanism is the deviancy amplification behind the set and setting of the illicit market. I prefer to call this and [all the] other unintended consequences prohibitors so like to trot out, the matrix of dysfunction.
Proponents of the war on (some) drugs fail to notice that all this mayhem occurs on their watch, and that they may indeed be responsible for this mess we call a reasonable drug policy.
What ever it is, for all the misery such laws create, it can hardly be called effective health promotion.

Even if cannabis had increased in potency by orders of magnitude, it doesn’t equate to harm. Likewise, the logical straw man, that meth users test for or have tried marijuana and is thus a stepping stone is again, both poor journalism and worse science. That cannabis has no health benefits may be quite true for some but the FDA and DEA are compromised by the truth – that cannabis is one of the safest drugs known to man, while approved pharmaceuticals cause the deaths of tens of thousands.

What we need here, and fundamental to health is informed consent.

A lie twice told in no closer to the truth.

Your correspondent could do well to read just how methamphetamine markets are linked to marijuana by reading Professor of Economics (Hawaii) James Roumasett, where he links maximal societal harms to oppressive cannabis enforcement. Such robust insight goes a long way to explaining why Nevada should lift the drug policy debate above such narrow prejudices and ensure that its voters are fully informed of the consequences of continuing a policy of abject and unjust failure.

The community will be the better for it. It is the stuff of social capital.

Blair Anderson,
50 Wainoni Road,
Christchurch, New Zealand
(++64 3 3894065 )


July 15, 2006
Professor David Fergusson, (nice guy, done that).. but the drug prevention vested interests picking up on research reported in international journal ‘Addiction’.are not likely to know what he said in his ‘evidential brief’ to the Health Select Committee inquiry on cannabis and mental health…that about 1% of 1% are likely to experience mental health issues. (way far less than that of other legal indulgences such as alcohol)
What Furgusson is reluctant to comment on (because the research doesn’t ask the right questions to explain it) is why is the prevalence is at 80% of the sample.
According to the law there should be no cannabis and even less access among youth…. when 80% of your kids are pot experienced, it is just as likely (if it were tested) one could conclude that cannabis causes youth driving late at night.
Clearly unexplained is the linkage between mental health and the double standards…..yet there it is, in the data.
The headline might as well read [New Zealand] kids who don’t smoke pot are the ‘deviant ones’

Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065

Marc Alexander might be getting it?

July 7, 2006
“As a civil society we must have a safety net. But a real safety net works to heal and empower not disable and ensnare. It must be focused on the restoration of a person to being independent, self-reliant. Or at least as much as is possible. The trick is to find the balance that considers the best interests of the individual and the taxpayer who pays for it. That’s where true compassion really lies.” / former United Future MP. Marc Alexander (Marc my Words)
The logical jump from welfarism to addiction and how civil society treats those with a ‘chemical imbalance’ hasn’t quite been made, but his head is in the right place.
Now, if only we can overcome the barriers to that conversation, ‘white privilege’.

Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065

EACD ‘on evidence’ is no longer a safe pair of hands

July 6, 2006
It says no research has been done on whether a lower classification for LSD would lead to greater use or whether such a move would be “tolerated by society”.
Time to examine the role of this “expert committee”- this is pandering to expedience and without presenting any evidence. The pretense this is a rational choice to leave LSD where it is questionable – whose precautionary principles are served by making any comparison to P here. This is a logical tautology. LSD shouldn’t be Class A either. Aspro is more dangerous. That’s why there were compelled to look in the first place.
If LSD were to be tolerated absent research expect “more use” but with 95% of the LSD in this country ‘benignly consumed’ often in passive or recreational settings’ – there is quite arbitrary iniquity. Enforcement disparity challenges the notion of prohibition as rational health promotion when say compared to ‘inclusionary rhetoric’ used succesfuly for the much more harmful cigarette prevention promotion.
Time to bring drug use and misuse in from the cold.
Why could they not be honest and admit dogs cannot smell LSD and nor can kids. The mailman [has] made a fine, cheap innocuous reliable courier. It has always been that way until we are now almost required ‘for security’ public space capable nano-tech molecule sniffers, so sensitive that a teaspoon of LSD (or just about anything else) could be detected in Auckland Harbour. Unlike dogs, these things don’t sleep.
Dangers are afoot.
We may be about to criminalise a lot of otherwise nice people. We will certainly alienate a lot of others. And a lot of money will be made.
There will always be the calls for get tough…. but because we can, doesn’t mean we should. The ‘Silent policeman’ is [and bio-id too] an ethical debate we should have right now.
Roadside ‘drug’ detection absent proof of impairment is a bigger risk than a flat tire. And about to get a lot more common.
Detecting cannabis in this scenario is even more fraught. Its evidential presence is the logical equivalent of licking someones exhaust pipe to see if they have been speeding by how much, how recently and where. For that is the standard we are expecting people to behave too… an arbitrary measure. A movable feast.
Someone who is distracted or clearly culpable is not at issue here. However, without even hursting anyone (no victim/complianant) some 20 percent of childbearing age adults and a whole lot more ‘purely for medicinal purposes’ are living in an ever shrinking and dangerous context.
Harm reducing cannabinoids are a ‘wellbeing’ food suppliment and now the EACD flogs us the ‘its for our own good” saw.
If it could be reasonably concluded from media coverage that methamphetamine and violence was a good reason to have it Class A, however a 2006 ACC funded report on the subject found little substance to the violence connection. [mildgreens:top doctors say its self medication and top cops say its about budget streams and militarisation while top economists say its about bang for buck]. It also says P users are easy to treat despite what funding requests atest. I think it also said they were small in number. While cannabis prevalence is a large number.
Both P and LSD illicit status creates drug trade mayhem and consequences that validate prohibitions failures not its successes.
New Zealands current mismanagement ‘on P’ is not sustainable. Nor on Cannabis, Heroin or LSD.
New Zealands ‘drug interdiction’ strategy is flawed in its execution.
It sets a dangerous public health precedent to continue to fund failure.
The EACD ‘on evidence’ is no longer a safe pair of hands.
(meanwhile, the British are recommending scrapping the drug classification system declaring it a remanant of politics gone by)

Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065

Hydrogen Production by Plasma Conversion of Biomass – FYI

July 5, 2006

Continuing W2’s ‘leadership’ in Hydrogen research

3/7/06A.J. Drexel Plasma Institute has just received two new grants on Hydrogen production- one of the important research directions of the Institute. One of the grants is from the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research and entitled, “Hydrogen Production by H2S Decomposition in Plasma” and the second one is from W2 [Energy] Company entitled, “Hydrogen Production by Plasma Conversion of Biomass”. The combined budget for these grants is US$360K for 1.5 years. Prof. Alex Fridman (MEM) will serve as the PI and Dr. Alex Gutsol as the co-PI.

Blair Anderson
Corporate Technology Consultant
‘the answer lies in this oil’
ph (643) 389 4065 027 2657219