Comment to Maxim on Unicef Report

attn: Greg Flemming, Maxim
UNICEF report… top contender in the kid raising stakes?? Netherlands. How odd.

1/4 as likely as our kids to teen pregnancy, deviancy, std’s, and 1/5 teen suicide.

How do I convince skeptics this has nothing to do with effective ‘restorative practices’ in dutch youth management….

Especially the iniquitous drug policy area.

Cindy Kiro’s/Parl Commish report on restorative practices in Schools report doesn’t even mention cannabis/marijuana/pot/dope or drug or drugs….

I commend readers vexed by the problems raised by these issues to see by visiting Professor Rodney Skager (May 2006). Rodney applauded Maori restorative practices in this area.

(Rodney is keen to come back and talk about what he learned while here, Auckland Rotaries are keen to have him speak….)

Getting tough on tagging fails to address, despite the frustrations of some in what is broken here; alienation from rule of law and rejection of moral values systems….

But we heard all that before haven’t we…its the constrained dialogue that is ‘outdated’, not te data….

Blair Anderson,

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