Drugs strategy debate ‘is a sham’

“‘Prohibition’s failure is now widely understood and acknowledged among key stakeholders in the debate… the political benefits of pursuing prohibition are now waning and the political costs of its continuation are becoming unsustainable.”

other highlights that have high relevence to the current New Zealand drug policy ‘situation’ / Blair

current policy is fuelling a crime epidemic.

drug prohibition has allowed organised crime to control the market and criminalised millions of users, putting a huge strain on the justice system.

half of all property crime is linked to fundraising to buy illegal drugs.

police claim that drug markets are the main driver of the UK’s burgeoning gun culture.

Home Office survey, commissioned in 2000, which showed the social and economic costs … were costs to the victims of drug-related crime.

the consultation process has been a sham designed to stifle debate on drugs policy

Drugs strategy debate ‘is a sham’ Special reports Guardian Unlimited:

One Response to “Drugs strategy debate ‘is a sham’”

  1. Dr. T Says:

    Yes, and the drug war is gong so well in the U.S. that we are attempting to open up a new front on tobacco. Taxes in states like Maine are so high that they are smuggling cigarettes from Canada and convenient store roberies are way, way up — and the only things being stolen are cartons of cigarettes.

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