Cannabis: The Public Health Issues 1995-1996

“It is therefore recommended that an intersectoral policy to improve health by reducing cannabis related harm should be developed as part of a comprehensive national policy on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.” (notably a health primitive completely at odds with the terms of reference of the Law Commission, though remarkably like Class D)

Monitoring and evaluation

Policy should be continually monitored and evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives and is in line with the latest evidence. Because of their integral nature, monitoring and evaluation should be built into the policy development process itself. (Yeah Right!)

Outcome targets
• To reduce the prevalence of current marijuana use (used in the last 12
months and not stopped using) from 12 percent of persons aged 15 to 45
years in 1990, to 8 percent or less by the year 2005 [baseline, Black and
Casswell 1993].
• To reduce the prevalence of frequent marijuana use (used 10 or more times
in the last 30 days) from 2.4 percent of persons aged 15 to 45 years in 1990,
to 1.5 percent or less by the year 2005 [baseline, Black and Casswell 1993].

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Cannabis: The Public Health Issues 1995-1996 (PDF, 335 KB)

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