No dope in dem cookies, just dopey Police.

The Cookie Crumbled

No drugs in cookies teen gave Lake Worth police, lab finds.

LAKE WORTH ā€“ The case against a teenager accused of delivering drug-tainted cookies to police crumbled Thursday after scientific tests revealed no traces of narcotics.

Christian Phillips, 18, became a cookie monster and the butt of jokes around the globe following his arrest Tuesday after he left a basket of treats at Lake Worth police headquarters. Authorities said then that “field tests” they conducted on the cookies showed traces of marijuana and LSD. (read this story for more insight into the perversity of police reporting, leading to charging the young fellow with ‘assault on a police officer’, because a drug dog sat in front of food. /Blair)

But Blue Mound police Lt. Thomas Cain said Thursday that while he respects and accepts the medical examiner’s report, he is sure he smelled dope on the home-baked Toll House treats. “They did have a pungent, rancid odor,” Lt. Cain said. “They did have the odor of marijuana. I got within two feet of it; I could smell it.”

see media story that hangs the young guy! It was also reported in New Zealand.
Well there goes any case that a ‘sniff’ is grounds for a search’! /Blair

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