MP. Blumsky Criminal?

“Story is: I tried to take his joint off him.” says former Mayor of Wellington and then budding National MP subsequently elected via the list ( lets overlook technically a violation of rights, to self determination, to privacy. This would be theft and assault if over tobacco or a beer. So who was the victim?)

The young man punched Mr Blumsky, sending him hurtling down the stairs.
Mr Blumsky said the youth was “a lovely young man” and very apologetic.

If Mr Blumsky had some insight, it would have been he who was in the wrong and the young man the victim. Would this have happened over a can of Speights, an AlcoPop or a 30gms of ‘Park Drive’?

I even suspect that Mr Blumsky’s memory deficit was contrived ‘self defence’ – he knew he was in the wrong. Not the kind of MP I would have wanted.

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