Archive for October, 2008

Nats are weak on Key issue: Drugs and Crime

October 31, 2008

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party Media release, 31 October 2008
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

Scoop: *Nats are weak on Key issue : Drugs and Crime*

All Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party candidates standing for election say the superficiality of the “Law and Order” debate in New Zealand ought to be a major concern for voters.

Party Leader Michael Appleby (Wellington Central) says “Prime Minister-in-waiting John Key, describing his law and order vision for NZ, is concerned about an ‘explosion in drugs’ which – in reality – is actually an explosion in criminalisation of young and old New Zealanders.”

Mike Britnell, Christchurch Central candidate says “Prohibition created the black market and related crime, without limiting drug use. NZ is getting the worst of both worlds. As a closed-minded prohibitionist John Key will never make NZ better, safer or richer.”

Kevin O’Connell (Auckland Central) says “Mr Key and his National Party does not appear to fully understand freedom, responsibility, or true free enterprise, otherwise they would legalise and regulate.”

Danyl Strype (Ohairu) says “As a very successful stock market man – who understands what a 1000% mark up is – Mr Key ought to recognise that drug markets are classic examples of supply and demand. Prohibition as a ‘law and order’ solution is a dog chasing its tail.”

Paula Lambert (Christchurch East) says “Voters are misled and ill-informed, thanks to an inadequate canvassing of the evidence – and the ALCP candidacy – by the mainstream media. For too long any effective public health measures for cannabis have been unresolved. Instead, Law and Disorder reigns and the nation continues to seethe about violence, gangs, youth and drug-related crime.”

Steven Wilkinson (West Coast-Tasman) says “How can any prospective government pretend to talk about solving crime while they actively support the promotion of a huge black market via the high profit incentives of prohibition? We need an R18 cottage industry and relief for New Zealand taxpayers.”

Judy Daniels (Te Tai Tokerau) says “The taxpaying public are being taken for a ride. There are 15-20,000 cannabis convictions every year cluttering up NZ’s injustice system. These turn innocent peoples’ lives upside down whilst completely failing to improve, promote or protect the public health. Even worse for the community good, current drug laws are delivering an unmistakeable alienation factor, and promote a destructive underclass and underworld culture.”

Julian Crawford (Dunedin North) says “A rather conservative estimate (National Drug Survey) counts the cannabis black market as servicing 373,000 consumers. An obvious and popular intervention would be legal status, including an age limit for cannabis use in NZ. At the moment all voters are drowning in ‘tough on law and order’ rhetoric by National, Labour and other political parties vying for a prejudiced populist vote.”

It would be a start if all New Zealanders understood this and supported a rational debate on the Key to minimise harms and provide some protection. Meanwhile, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is standing with an ethic that encompasses the triple bottom line of “Community, environment, and economics – cannabis law reform as key NZ issue – r18 cannabis as a key public health and safety issue.”

One in twenty votes would put the ALCP into the parliamentary mix, empowered to debate a long overdue positive change. The public are invited to view and consider a snapshot of its cottage industry vision for New Zealand that mainstream media are ignoring this election, see campaign speeches

Blair Anderson
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Milton Friedman, National Party and Economics of Good Health

October 30, 2008

{{enImage adapted from Image:MiltonFriedman.j...Image via Wikipedia Milton Friedman, Nobel laureate and proponent of the Chicago School of Economics that the New Zealand National Party hold dear..

The same Milton Friedman that I drew to the attention of MP Tony Ryall at his Christchurch “Health Issues” public meeting – presenting to him (and his audience) that the philosophy and principles of the Nat’s is undermined by the double standards and that ‘economic professors the world over hold the drug laws in disrepute.’ (in NZ, drug laws are enacted under Warrant of the Minister of Health)

I invited Tony to view the list of 515 Professors of Economics that supported Prof J. A. Miron’s ‘economics of drug prohibition’ study. ( Miron is a professor of economics at Boston and Harvard University; E-Mail:

Lets face it. Ryall, as a prospective Minister of Health and his Nat’s ‘tough on crime’ colleagues are utterly compromised by this.

Ryall! Look where we went today. It's a

Image by Chris Ryall

Every opportunity to stick it to them should be made.. so to should attention be given to ACT, its party ‘membership, supporters and specifically candidates’, along with Sensible Sentencing and the rest of the Christian “fellowship” parties. (there is nothing Godly about idiocy or ignorance…)

The following interview is as relevant today as when it was made in 1991. The only difference is that in NZ we can substitute Methamphetamine for Heroin and Cocaine. Its got nothing to do with the pharmacology, and everything to do with our geographic location. (see also another economist from Hawaii, Prof James Roumasett on methamphetamine and cannabis.. )

Meanwhile LABOUR calls for a inquiry on gangs… are we stupid? /Blair

Here is an excerpt from “Friedman & Szasz On Liberty and Drugs.” It is from a 1991 interview on “America’s Drug Forum,” a nat’l public affairs talk show that appears on public TV stations.

Randy Paige is an Emmy Award-winning drug reporter from Baltimore, MD; Prof. Milton Friedman has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Inst. on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford since ’77, & is considered the leader of the Chicago School of monetary economics. The Presidential Medal of FreedomPresidential Medal of Freedom
Image via
Professor Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in ’76, & is also the recipient of the Nat’l Medal of Science & the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the U.S. gov’t in ’88.


Paige: Let us deal first with the issue of legalization of drugs. How do you see America changing for the better under that system?

Friedman: I see America with half the number of prisons, half the number of prisoners, ten thousand fewer homicides a year, inner cities in which there’s a chance for the poor people to live without being afraid for their lives, citizens who might be respectable who are now addicts not being subject to becoming criminals in order to get their drug, being able to get drugs for which they’re sure of the quality. You know, the same thing happened under prohibition of alcohol as is happening now.

Under prohibition of alcohol, deaths from alcohol poisoning, from poisoning by things that were mixed in with the bootleg alcohol,
went up sharply. Similarly, under drug prohibition, deaths from overdose, from adulterations, from adulterated substances have gone up.

Paige: How would legalization adversely affect America, in your view?

Friedman: The one adverse effect that legalization might have is that there very likely would be more people taking drugs. That’s not by any means clear. But, if you legalized, you destroy the black market, the price of drugs would go down drastically. And as an economist, lower prices tend to generate more demand. However, there are some very strong qualifications to be made to that.

The effect of criminalization, of making drugs criminal, is to drive people from mild drugs to strong drugs.

Paige: In what way?

Friedman: Marijuana is a very heavy, bulky substance and, therefore, it’s relatively easy to interdict. The warriors on drugs have been more successful interdicting marijuana than, let’s say, cocaine. So, marijuana prices have gone up, they’ve become harder to get. There’s been an incentive to grow more potent marijuana and people have been driven from marijuana to heroin, or cocaine, or crack.

Paige: Let us consider another drug then, and that is the drug crack.

Friedman: Crack would never have existed, in my opinion, if you had not had drug prohibition. Why was crack created? The preferred method of taking cocaine, which I understand was by sniffing it, snorting it, became very expensive and they were desperate to find a way of packaging cocaine…

Police and Prepaid Cellphones

October 28, 2008

Police have cultured this ‘problem’ just as they have Tasers and other escalations towards powers to which they are not entitled. (Hansard debate: Hon. Tom McGuigan, Minister of Health 1975 “Prevention of Misuse” Drug legislation).

New Zealand Police CarImage by Stephen Witherden It has been suggested in other media that Police ‘are supporting’ calls for legislation. (see

This is disingenuous. The Police National Drug Intelligence have a “google” search watching what other countries are doing. It is obvious to anyone who also does this (like me) that Police follow international policing development with a ‘spin’ of their own within days of any international focus on issues. There is NO ANALYSIS – its just strategy development by following others. (Yabba/methamphetamine policy is such a case)

Privacy LostImage via WikipediaThe point is that some 1.3million or so cellphones were not used for any crime today… so why do Police wish to engineer a solution “to enhance the ability to fight crime” in areas where phone monitoring absent a warrant is, patently a breach of a right to privacy.

That the kind of crimes NZ police are ‘interested’ in surveiling are more often ‘consensual’ and ‘victimless’ relating to certain substances should hardly be surprising..

McGuigan was onto something!

Police should practice getting good at solving crimes.
They have been pretty lousy at predicting them.

Having (yet another) a list of a million citizens will only confuse them.

Slippery Internet Slopes: are we to ‘register’ anonymous email addresses with our community constable, and those who fail too, are they to be investigated for potential criminal activities. ??
Phone and License Plate, an excuse to hawk a c...Image by ToastyKen via Flickr
Its just the same “if you have nothing to hide’ argument pandering to the consent of the stupidly insular AND lacking ANY evidence it will produce an outcome for either the ‘investment’ or intrusion.

And all this while there is a Surveillance bill before the house… no mention of it though. Are the media stupid?

Blair Anderson

Cannabis deemed SAFE by minor parties!

October 27, 2008

Absent from the sub-leaders debate – any cognition of law&order/health/civil society debate surrounding unresolved cannabis legislation.

How come it was so crucial to Dunne and Anderton 2002, 2005? (that it lead to it being  crucial for governance agreement, yet neither are currently polling 1/2 a percent support, not even between them)

How implausable is 'restorative justice' when the law grossly afflicts Maori? How is this "treaty" principled?
(When NZ1 'maori caucus' assembled at the beginning of MMP it supported reform of the cannabis law.)

The Green Party hasnt even mentioned it depite having a bill before the house. (medpot)

ACT's Rodney Hide is on record in many public meetings as a cannabis legaliser.

There is an R18 debate on every Electoral Voting form.  (see ALCP.ORG.NZ  logo), one party, the Republicans have been for constitutional reform and DRUG LAW reform since 1968.  Everyone is looking to what minor partys will consider 'bottom line' after the election yet no one dares go where we have just come from?

Has cannabis suddenly become more benign?
Have journalists no integrity…

Blair Anderson  ‹(•¿•)›

Spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Associate 'Shadow' Law And Order.

Social Ecologist 'at large'

ph (643) 389 4065   cell 027 265 7219

Why is the youth vote so hard to crack?

October 26, 2008

The Dominion Post asked in an oped…

“About 95,000 Kiwis aged 18-24 are still not enrolled to vote. Why don’t young people vote and why don’t they care?” – KERRY WILLIAMSON – The Dominion Post Saturday, 04 October 2008

With young folk polling around 80% in the consumption of cannabis stakes – no wonder they are disillusioned with politics today. Not for the reason that the ageist prejudiced might first think either… for *every one of ‘that demographic’ who are under duress of criminal sanction even if arbitrary, a law that parliament has twice ‘set aside resolving in coalition agreements with parties that between them are polling less than half a percent between them.’ – And we ask why are young alienated… fur’chris’ake?

(*including those who don’t smoke pot, after all, it is politicians who would declare that it is the ‘law’ that prevents them from so doing, otherwise cannabis would be tantamount to compulsory. Yet the herb couldn’t be more popular if it were made so, or more culturally imbued in art, music, theatre, television and movies… )

What is needed to capture youth votes is a real NZ Green Billboard promoting homegrown solutions. (and a media that would tell the truth, when have you seen journalists ask our wannabe leadership tackle this one)

– don’t laugh, 1999 saw Jenny Shipley die in the polls after failing to tell the truth when questioned alongside Jeanette Fitzsimmons by Paul Holmes – Check the Waikato University analysis. Nationals wheels fell off – Nov 16, ‘not over my dead body’ Shipley denied due process and the recommendations of the National lead “Brian Nesson” Health Select Committee – ‘to review the law’ – for political expediency. She could have United States President Bill Clinton and New Z...Jenny and Bill,
and the drugs we drink!
looked to her own kids for some advice… they had more experience ‘in this matter’ than she may have cared to acknowledge parentally or politically.
Youth have had ten more years of double standards (and repeated coalition agreements) to be aggrieved but not one politician has been asking why…… tens of thousands of arrests every year… unpublished ‘tough on non-crime hypocrisy!’
How come its not OK to ‘correct your own kids’ but the state can abuse them arbitrarily with incarceration and cuff-links for a non-crime?
This is one law that is racist, ageist and sexist in its application… and young people are rightly ‘turned off’ by this white privilege shite.
It is time for some social ecology driven ‘protect our youth’ drug law reform, it is the stuff of social capital.

Blair Anderson

As seen in UK Daily Mail

October 23, 2008

Title page to Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning...Image via Wikipedia

Sex & Drugs (Alcohol is just the drug we drink) education at ever earlier ages is an admission that what do do isn’t working. If we cant teach 15yrs old successfully – where is the evidence we can teach 7 year old with any proficiency.

It is an admission of failure… not of education, rather the social ecology of trying to fix this while the paradigm is flawed.

Teaching young people about sex and drugs at an ever earlier age durably instructs them that all their peers must be ‘doing it’ and they cant bloody wait. Do what the Netherlands has done, give back power to parents (especially around drug ed) – it is instructive to note that Dutch kids not only ‘do drugs’ much later then their British (or Kiwi) peers, but they are also by a factor of five in NZ’s case, are less likely to binge drink, father a teen pregnancy or bear one, catch an STD, commit suicide or get in trouble with the law.

How does one convince sceptics this progress has nothing to do with Dutch ‘soft on drugs’ policy?

(see )
Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

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Attack Horror for Parker’s SAFER Christchurch

October 23, 2008

‘injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, wounding with intent, aggrevated robbery… “

“Police say the alleged attack is part of a growing pattern of youth violence in Christchurch”

“this is the style of gangster-style carry-on you see in other parts of New Zealand and the United States” – Detective Darren Folou. “It sees like they are mimicking these guys from other parts of the world”

“It’s like south central LA situation… The people involved are all ‘homies’ with hoodies – that type of situation.”

…it appeared the youths thought the flat was a tinnie house”


Cannabis isnt responsible for this mess, the policy is………..

“Bob Parker says feeling safe in the city, within our neighbourhoods and our homes is not just a priority but an absolute right for all of us in Christchurch… ”
Bob Parker and his SAFER CITY cronies are seriously deluded.

SAFER Christchurch – A MildGreen Initiative?

October 22, 2008

Flag of the World Health OrganizationIs WHO at loggerheads with
UN foundation principles
over drug issue?

Media Release – Another MildGreen Initiative

SAFER Christchurch – A MildGreen Initiative?

Christchurch City, yesterday awarded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for its safe city initiatives at this weeks international talk fest “SAFER Communities”, is also being contributed too by longtime city resident health and safety campaigner Blair Anderson today in Victoria Square.

The former city Mayoral aspirant has been an outspoken advocate for informed dialog around public policy bringing to the city’s attention the highly successful program ‘SAFER’ with its focus on reducing alcohol related harms.

“Does use of Cannabis contribute to morbidity, sexual assaults, domestic violence, violent crime? Obviously no, but the same cannot be said for Alcohol.” says the proponent for Safer Alternatives For Enjoyable Recreation [SAFER] “Clearly cannabis is less harmful to the user and society than alcohol, the prohibiting of adults from making the rational, safer choice is bad public policy.”

Anderson draws the attention of media during this election to the ‘unquestioned’ six year moratorium on discussing cannabis policy despite enormous international and domestic progress by civil society at the highest level. “This is history in the making” says the proponent for law reform, “both at the UNGASS and NZ’s Law Commission review.”

The MildGreen ‘Class-D’ drug classification, first proposed at the Misuse of Drugs Ammendment #4 Select Committee review is seen as world leading policy applauded by visiting experts and NZ drug czar, Hon Jim Anderton. But how many know it came from the home of law reform and international drug policy harm reduction – Christchurch?

Recently Professor of Law (Otago) Kevin Dawkins declared Class-D the innovation required to provide a legislative frame work for drug control. (see NZ Law Journal)

“The stymied discussion has seen our communities struggle with deficient drug policy, seen an escalation in hard drug prohibition related harms and a continuing, if expedient, political clamour for draconian sentencing absent any robust test of what is broken.” says Anderson.

“When have you heard political leadership or candidates tested on drug war efficacy” by journalists or commentators?, “Yet we are the only western democracy held to ransom by a mere 1% of the MMP vote that access to the treasury cheque book is governed by a clause that thou shalt not talk about cannabis for two electoral terms.”

Christchurch’s sister city, Seattle described in a letter to Denver Colorado authorities that the SAFER initiative there had been declared successful and cheap. Even opponents of the pro-marijuana initiative in Seattle, City Attorney Tom Carr, said his fears that usage would spike dramatically haven’t materialised, noting that the “treat cannabis as the lowest possible priority” directive to police had seen minor drug offences plummet to a mere 59 for all of Seattle.

We should not be surprised that our Mayor, Bob Parker has patently refused to even discuss the initiative despite all-out ratepayer funded response to the alcohol problem in the city.

In these uncertain economic times all alternatives deserve to be ‘on the table’ says the communitarian social ecologist.

The curious are welcome to come and see and discuss the implications of this crime reducing health inspired city wide policy initiative at a lunch time forum on the steps in front of the Cathedral at Noon today and later outside the City of Christchurch Convention Centre – the venue hosting the SAFER CITIES milliondollar “talk about everything but” boondoggle.

The MildGreen Initiative recently sponsored the tour by” Law Enforcement Against Prohibition” proponent and retired British Columbia Provincial Law Court Judge Jerry Paradis.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›
50 Wainoni Road,
Christchurch, ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

Drug War: Power, Control, Coercion, Money – Cliff Thornton

October 21, 2008

Pinky interviews drug policy expert Clifford Thornton: “The War on Drugs has absolutely nothing to do with drugs – it’s about power, it’s about control, it’s about coercion, it’s about money.”

see also:

Canvassing for Opinion: Cliff Thornton will tour four countries …
In the Conference that will be held in Vienna University on 8 & 9 March prominent US drug policy reformers such as Clifford Thornton, and Peter Webster will … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: ENCOD: Thornton on Greed, fear and racism
Clifford Thornton (Efficacy) developed his theory on the war on drugs as being based on three pillars: greed, fear and overt racism. … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: 2007/12
Mr. Thornton, co-founder of the drug law reform organization Efficacy, … ” Cliff Thornton’s work for the reform of US drug policy is in line with Green … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: VIENNA 2008: TEN YEARS AFTER
(featuring fellow MildGreenie Clifford Thornton USA) … These will be filled by Clifford Thornton from the US based NGO Efficacy, and by Fredrick Polak, … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: RIP Eddie Ellison.
A few hours after posting this I was informed by Clifford Wallace Thornton jr, via an email that we had lost Eddie to Cancer. (29 january) … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: …
The MildGreens were represented by way of USA Greens champion Clifford Wallace Thornton jr. and LEAP, now with 10000 ‘law enforcement’ membership. … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: MJ Arrests soaring amid concerted police …
clifford thornton wrote:. Some excellent charts also accompany this article and are available on the sign on San Diego home page. Find this article at: … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: 2004/11
cc: Clifford Wallace Thornton Jr. sig. Blair Anderson. cell phone 025 2657219 ph (643) 389 4065 … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: 2007/04
This could be NZ that Clifford Wallace Thornton is talking about (two party politics/fpp …. From: clifford thornton <> … – Similar pages
Canvassing for Opinion: 2004/04
Clifford Thornton Jr, leader of US drug policy reform group Efficacy and US … Thornton brought with him the experience of life in a country where the drug … – Similar pages

Blair Anderson

Media7/TVNZ interviews Bell, Tanczos and O’Conner on Drug Harm Index

October 21, 2008

Ross Bell, Nandor Tanczos and Greg O’Conner under the ever insightful Russell Brown (of HardNose, err…News fame) discuss the shortcomings of the Drug Harm Index.

Blair Anderson
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