Attack Horror for Parker’s SAFER Christchurch

‘injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, wounding with intent, aggrevated robbery… “

“Police say the alleged attack is part of a growing pattern of youth violence in Christchurch”

“this is the style of gangster-style carry-on you see in other parts of New Zealand and the United States” – Detective Darren Folou. “It sees like they are mimicking these guys from other parts of the world”

“It’s like south central LA situation… The people involved are all ‘homies’ with hoodies – that type of situation.”

…it appeared the youths thought the flat was a tinnie house”


Cannabis isnt responsible for this mess, the policy is………..

“Bob Parker says feeling safe in the city, within our neighbourhoods and our homes is not just a priority but an absolute right for all of us in Christchurch… ”
Bob Parker and his SAFER CITY cronies are seriously deluded.

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