Survey Reveals Majority Want Marijuana Legalized

American Drug War: The Last White HopeImage via Wikipedia

Survey Reveals Majority Want Marijuana Legalized (the zee gives it away, of course this survey is USA based but…. it is the home of the drug war and if politics earnestly represented community consensus this war on people would be over… yesterday! /Blair)

An over-whelming majority favor the legalization of marijuana, according to a new Headline Press survey. The new poll found that 86% of all those surveyed favor the decriminalization of pot. ( see American Chronicle )

The online survey, conducted over the last two weeks of October, found that only 14% of those surveyed do not want the use of marijuana legalized. Studies indicate that the medicinal use of marijuana aids in the healing or prevention of cataracts, broken bones, a variety of cancers and other ailments.

Opponents of the legalization of marijuana argue that since the use of alcohol is already legal in all states the usage of marijuana should continue to be outlawed. Controversy surrounds the usage of marijuana, despite increasing scientific evidence that its long term damage effects are limited. A state law in California allows the legal dispensing of marijuana for medical purposes.

Those who favor its legalization point to the lack of law enforcement in many other areas, criticizing lawmakers and other government leaders for allowing the growth of white collar crime, which helped to damage the national economy with the credit crisis through actions on Wall Street.

Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs American taxpayers roughly US$10 billion annually and results in more than 829,000 arrests a year, far more than the total number of arrests for all violent crimes combined. The arrests are much easier to obtain by police than the time and effort required to produce arrests in many other areas of law enforcement.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Associate ‘Shadow’ Law And Order.

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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