Cannabis key difference between Helen and John

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

Press Release: Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

also see Scoop: Cannabis key difference between Helen and John

“As the two main parties fight over the central ground this election, there is little seperation between the two partys’ policies. One key issue which seperates the two leaders is the Cannabis issue,” says Julian Crawford, ALCP candidate for Dunedin Nth.

“Both Clark and Key spoke about this issue during last night’s leaders debate, exhibiting vastly divergent positions. Key denied ever having experimented with cannabis, while Clark indicated that both she and veteran broadcaster Paul Holmes had smoked the soft drug during their university days.”

“The National Party has admitted that under its leadership, cannabis users, regardless of their medical needs, will face increased levels of punishment (Nick Smith, Nelson Mail 23/5/08).”

“Helen Clark however has taken a much more favourable attitude to cannabis law reform. Speaking at the Otago University campus in October, Clark said that New Zealand should look to other coutries that have tried alternatives to cannabis prohibition. Making a choice from the wide range of law reform options is the main consideration before the cannabis laws can change, according to the PM. This task is being undertaken by the Law Commission who are reviewing the entire misuse of drugs act 1975. The Law Commision will seek public consultation in 2009.”

“Helen Clark has indicated that her favoured option for cannabis law refrom is ‘partial prohibition’ (Tearaway 1/7/08). The ALCP also endorses partial prohibition as part of it policy programme. This means that adults will be allowed to grow and posses personal amounts of cannabis, within government defined limits. Anyone found exceeding these limits for personal use will face the same penalties currently in effect.”

“The ALCP commends the Prime Minister for taking a positive stand on an issue that has been too controversial for many other politicians. The ALCP looks forward to working with a Labour-led government after the election. Mr Key has not only demonstrated a lack of testicular fortitude when it comes to experimentation with cannabis, he has displayed considerable ingnorance regarding this important issue. Someone who is not adventurous enought to try cannabis even once in their life, is not fit to lead this country,” says Crawford.

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