Jeremy Douglas, RNZ interview.

The Radio New Zealand National logoImage via Wikipedia
re: Interview by Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand

09:20am New Zealand and the international drug trade / Jeremy Douglas, Manager of the UNODC’s Global Smart programme which is tracking the international drug trade, which he says is getting increasingly sophisticated. (listen here)

Jeremy Douglas, Manager of the UNODC’s Global Smart programme is obviously the product of a dumbed down education system.

There is nothing smart about this man. He is a puppet ideologue rabbiting ‘more of the same’ failed UN drug war creating fears, drug markets and drug related harms where there should be none.
Shinjuku Triad SocietyImage via Wikipedia
Watch the sleigh of hand descriptions associating TRIADS with precursors and local gangs, horse tranquilizers and especially Ecstasy (MDMA), one of the more benign drugs now vilified by the prohibitory politics and vested interests passing off as health prevention – and he is here professing to inform OUR Police! Keep him out of the country, he and his ’emerging drug threat’ message is more dangerous than any radical Muslim cleric.

New Zealand’s problem with and popularity of methamphetamine is a PRODUCT of the very system he describes.

He and his ilk are the very reason UNGASS is re-examining the Hoover/Nixon/Reagan/Bush ‘War on Drugs‘ as is our own Law Commission.

Supporting prohibition and being anti-crime is a contradiction. Because drugs are bad doesn’t mean prohibition is good.

Douglas no doubt must be appalled to learn that on Nov 6th, New Zealand legislated recreational soft drug use, making provision for controlled markets. Now there would have been in interesting question for someone purporting to be so well informed!


Blair Anderson
50 Wainoni Road,

03 3894065

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