Medical Cannabis – defacto policy in USA

Medical cannabis card in Marin County, Califor...Image via Wikipedia

DEA administrator confirms Obama’s wish to ‘cease medpot raids’. This is highly significant change in policy direction from the FED’s and is consistent with Admininstrations appointment of the Chief of Police of Seattle (Christchurch Sister City) as the new administration Drug Czar. /Blair

Speaking at a press conference with DEA administrator Michelle Leonhart, Attorney General Eric Holder declared that ending medical marijuana raids “is now American policy.”

A reporter asked, “shortly after the inauguration there were raids on California medical marijuana dispensaries…do you expect these to continue?”, noting

WAMP supporters march to Los Angeles City HallImage via Wikipedia

that the President had promised to end the raids in the campaign.

Holder responded, “What the President said during the campaign…is consistent with what we will be doing here in law enforcement. He was my boss in the campaign….He is my boss now. What he said in the campaign is now American policy.” !!!

The question appears about 25 minutes into the press conference, which was devoted to an operation against the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel.

Blair Anderson

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