Poll: America favours pot legalisation

A slim majority of Americans favour the legalisation, taxing, and regulation of marijuana, according to a new poll released yesterday.

The poll is the first time more than 50% of Americans have favoured legalisation, said Bruce Mirken, communications director of the Marijuana Policy Project, a thinktank that supports decriminalising the drug.

The survey was conducted by Zogby and the O’Leary Report, a conservative publication.

Of the 3,919 American surveyed, 52% favour legalising the drug, while 37% oppose it. The poll advances slightly from one taken last week by ABC News and the Washington Post, in which 46% favour legalisation compared to 52% who oppose.

“This new survey continues the recent trend of strong and growing support for taxing and regulating marijuana and ending the disastrously failed policy of prohibition,” Rob Kampia, Marijuana Policy Project executive director, said in a statement.

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