Prison Staff, Prison Inmates, Prison Gardens

If evidence informed social policy, pot would be compulsory in prisons.

They should grow their own and enough for everybody else who needs it.

NZ Prison Service shouldnt have much difficulty in finding the expertise. Such policy;
  • (a) will reduce prison muster.
  • (b) displace P.
  • (c) meet demand for medpot.
  • (d) keep it away from kids.
  • (e) ameliorate inmate violence.
  • (f) make National Drug Intelligence redundant.
  • (g) make Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party redundant.
  • (h) and give 600 Police nothing to do.
While these corrections folk were ostensibly getting away with ‘drug dealing’ under the most enforced prohibition environment in NZ (and thus deserve a freaken medal) no one notices that the same draconian policy targeting consenting adults is somehow expected to bear fruit in civvy street.

The alcoholic finds a sanction from a total change of mind, so too for the drug dependant,
Open your eyes, the Saviour you can find, and the peace of mind you’ll be given,
And discover the you, let your soul shine through, and get high on the love you can inspire,
‘Cause you’re a lamb worth saving, from immoral recruitment,
Break the link to the chain.

:from Rumataka Prison Blues, Set the Captives Free

Blair Anderson

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