The Emperor’s Christmas Clothes

A NZLAV used in the siege.Image via Wikipedia
NZ’s current maintenance of cannabis in the ABC classification system that underpins prohibition is deservedly under scrutiny by the NZ Law Commission. Several Select Committees have variously stated clearly that the law be reviewed. The point that escapes media, politicians and the Police seems to be that the Napier incident would not have happened,  Len Snee would still be alive as would Jan, his partner would not be in jail and Len (and Mr Broad) would be gainfully employed dealing with real crime probably ‘no guns required’.
The escalation of the militarisation of the Police goes hand in hand with the war on drugs, just as it did with alcohol in the USA. Alcohol no more caused the St Valentine’s Day massacre than Cannabis caused the death of Len Snee. So all this waxing lyrical about to arm or not to arm is fatuous without an open ended debate where the Politicians, Police and Media must account for the sustainability of the prohibitive practice.
A good place to start would be to first acknowledge that NZ passed the required model for the administration of cannabis when John Key became right and honourable. It was a legislative adjustment passed by order in council gazetted some 28 days before  the last general election. We made provision for legally regulating (thus controlling) the sale, storage, advertising and labelling and place of sales for recreational psychoactive ‘soft’ drugs. Were cannabis in this new “De-Classified” partial prohibition [R18] as a first and somewhat logical application of this crucial adjustment, this writer has no doubt Mr Snee would be enjoying a Merry Xmas with his family before spending his New Year managing the ‘alcohol’ problem that is the precursor to so much crime, mayhem and consequence.

Has no one the courage to ask where the hell the emperor left his clothes?

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[as sent to All About Hawkes Bay]

Blair Anderson,
ph nz  (643) 389 4065   nz cell 027 265 7219

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