Archive for the ‘cancer’ Category

Cancer Cannabis Connection

June 8, 2009

Fuck cancerImage by hoodiefanatic via Flickr

Cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell survival and “could be useful in the treatment of cancer,” according to a forthcoming review to be published in the journal Cancer Letters. June 3, 2009 – Dunedin, New Zealand:

Investigators at the University of Otago (New Zealand), Department of Pharmacology, reported, “[C]annabinoids have been shown to have anti-proliferative, anti-mestatic, anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic effects in various cancer types (lung, glioma, thyroid, lymphoma, skin, pancreas, uterus, breast, and prostate carcinoma) using both in vitroand in vivo models.

Previous trials have reported that cannabinoids can selectively target and kill malignant cancer cells while ignoring healthy cells, as well as reduce the growth of new blood vessels to cancerous tumors.

Alexander A, Smith PF, Rosengren RJ.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Otago, Dunedin 9001, New Zealand.

Cannabinoids, the active components of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, along with their endogenous counterparts and synthetic derivatives, have

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, Clo...Image via Wikipedia

elicited anti-cancer effects in many different in vitro and in vivo models of cancer. While the various cannabinoids have been examined in a variety of cancer models, recent studies have focused on the role of cannabinoid receptor agonists (both CB(1) and CB(2)) in the treatment of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. This review will summarize the anti-cancer properties of the cannabinoids, discuss their potential mechanisms of action, as well as explore controversies surrounding the results. [Cancer Letters]

A 2008 review by investigators at the University of Wisconsin concluded, “[T]here is overwhelming evidence to suggest that cannabinoids can be explored as chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer.”

Commenting on the forthcoming review, NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said: “Cannabinoids may one day represent a new class of non-toxic anti-cancer drugs that can halt the spread of the disease without inducing the painful and life-threatening side effects of chemotherapy. It is shameful that politics and US government propaganda have halted the research and exploration of these compounds as anti-cancer agents.”

Cannabis & Breast Cancer

October 9, 2008

breast cancer researchImage by circulating via Flickr Cannabis Compound May Prevent Aggressive Breast Cancer Spread

(today was pink ribbon day… breast cancer awareness, Blair )

Saturday November 24, 2007
CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in Cannabis sativa (marijuana), may inhibit the activity of the Id-1 gene. Researchers know that Id-1 is a regulator of the metastasis (spread) of breast cancer. Presently, the most common treatment for metastatic disease is chemotherapy, which is toxic and often debilitating to many patients. If CBD proves able to stop the spread of cancer cells, it may someday replace chemo and it’s powerful side effects. Research on CBD is being done at CannabidiolImage via Wikipedia Research Institute, and a study was recently published in the journal of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, by Dr. Pierre-Yves Desprez. Dr. Sean D. McAllister, a fellow scientist, does not suggest that breast cancer patients should take up smoking marijuana, because the concentrations of CBD would not be sufficient enough to have any effect on cancer cell division.

Blair Anderson
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Media a bigger risk to truth than Alcohol !

February 6, 2008
Does the number of times one repeats something make it true?
The study this was based upon drew on the health status of nine heavy pot smokers vs fourteen controls. It appears the world was listening.
Yet is still says nothing of the effectiveness of the law, nor predicates ‘prohibition’ as a healthy intervention.

The following is just a small sample of how this research was introduced to the world…. not a single question asking WHERE IN THE ONCOLOGY WARDS ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? )

Or, mentioning that ALCOHOL is responsible for 70% of the total health vote (as is the case in the UK, NHS study)

Recall the following research published in Scientific American: Large Study Finds No Link between Marijuana and Lung Cancer and in Science Daily: Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows


Marijuana A Bigger Lung Cancer Risk Than Cigarettes?
E-The People 1/30/2008
‘Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis…. but few have
Cannabis lung cancer risk equal to 20 cigarettes
Radio New Zealand 1/30/2008
New Zealand scientists have found that smoking one joint of cannabis has the same lung cancer risk as smoking a pack of cigarettes. The study by the Medical Research Institute suggests that cannabis smoke
Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes-study
Reuters UK 1/30/2008
HONG KONG, Jan 29 (Reuters) – Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked
Cannabis identified a bigger cancer risk than cigarettes
People’s Daily Online 1/30/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies in the past
Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes
Revolution Health 1/30/2008
Health news Healthy living Tools More information HONG KONG (Reuters) – Smoking a joint is equivalent to smoking 20 tobacco cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found,
Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes, study says
SignOn San Diego 1/30/2008
Studies in the past have demonstrated that cannabis can cause cancer, but few have established a strong link between cannabis use and the actual incidence of lung cancer. In an article published in the
Cannabis higher cancer risk
Irish 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found. They have warned of an epidemic of lung cancers linked to cannabis. According to the
Pot bigger cancer risk than cigarettes, scientists say
Toronto Star Online 1/29/2008
HONG KONG-Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies
Cannabis Higher Cancer Risk Than Cigarettes
Epoch Times 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies in the past
Cannabis higher cancer risk…
Irish 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found. They have warned of an epidemic of lung cancers linked to cannabis. According to the
Dope ‘bigger cancer risk than smokes’
Daily Telegraph Australia 1/29/2008
SMOKING a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis.
Marijuana Bigger Cancer Risk Than Cigarettes 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies in the past
Pot a Bigger Cancer Threat Than Cigarettes
ABC News 1/29/2008
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis.
‘Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes’
IOL 1/29/2008
Hong Kong – Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies
Study says cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes
Yahoo! UK and Ireland 1/29/2008
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis.
Cannabis ‘bigger cancer risk’ than cigarettes
ABC Online 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies in the past
Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes –
Yahoo! India 1/29/2008
Enlarge Photo Fille photo of an unidentified man smoking a cannabis cigarette at a house in London…. Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand
Study finds cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes
Yahoo! UK and Ireland 1/29/2008
finds cannabis bigger risk than cigarettes – News New User? – Navigation Primary Navigation Secondary Navigation care Search in All News Yahoo! News Only News Photos Study finds cannabis
Cannabis Higher Cancer Risk than Cigarettes, Study
Epoch Times 1/29/2008
Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an ‘epidemic’ of lung cancers linked to cannabis. Studies in the past

(this is just a small sample of how this research was introduced to the world…. not a single question asking just WHERE IN THE ONCOLOGY WARDS ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? )

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

Cannabis a cancer cure?

January 28, 2008

“Cannabinoids may therefore offer a therapeutic option in the treatment of highly invasive cancers. “

Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 / Robert Ramer, Burkhard Hinz
Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany

Cannabinoids, in addition to having palliative benefits in cancer therapy, have been associated with anticarcinogenic effects. Although the antiproliferative activities of cannabinoids have been intensively investigated, little is known about their effects on tumor invasion.

Example of a Invasive Squamous Cell Cancer, in this case on the cervix. Those at increased risk for cervical neoplasia include women with multiple sexual partners, HPV infection (particularly the high risk HPV types), cigarette smokers and those with impaired immune systems. There is more to Cannabis Therapuetics than just the emerging treatment research. The New Zealand Health Select Commitee in 1998 identified that the law surrounding cannabis was an imediment to broader health promotion issues. These include teen sexual health and other risk taking behavours notably binge alcohol and early tobacco uptake.

Blair Anderson

Cannabis compound ‘halts cancer’

November 19, 2007

A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe. The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy. Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports.

BBC NEWS | Health | Cannabis compound ‘halts cancer’