Archive for the ‘decriminalisation’ Category

World Class, Class D?

February 20, 2008

Behind the mask of Chatham House Rules at the historical “Beyond 2008 / International UN drug policy forum” in Wellington this week – the Mild Green Initiative “restricted with controlled availability” Class D received first in the world recognition.

The MildGreen Initiative was described variously along with NEPS and Diversion as as an “major landmark” in New Zealand’s leadership in drug control strategies to visiting experts, local MP’s, customs, law and health officials, policy makers and NGO’s. !

With ‘the whole world is watching’ overtones and our having to reconcile BZP already in “D” classification – these are surely, interesting times. NZ is having a say in international drug policy!

It will be curious as to how drug czar Jim Anderton (with a ‘t’) interprets his “Good Friday” D-classified Mild Green initiative.

Anderton re-invented Harm Reduction to mean Criminal Sanctions under the aegis of the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) but he wasn’t the first to use and promote deviancy amplifying policy. We imported ‘lies predicated on bigger lies’ when we sidled up to USA led UN classifications, mandates, conventions and covenants based on a ‘some drugs are evil and all use is misuse’ criminal controls and retributive messages paradigm. Thankfully Beyond 2008 heralds the ‘right procedural path’ to take. New Zealand may yet be the first in the world to do an unfettered and transparent ‘green fields’ rethink of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and interpretation of the UN conventions. And that can only be a good thing.

See Jim, Wrong Control, Wrong Message. The world is saying stay with the D-classification theme Jim! We’ll work it out from there while we put the feet in the fire of those who refuse to test the efficacy of prohibition. Beyond 2008 will serve to oxygenate the drug policy debate this election. BTW: How do you like the silken feel of ‘sustainable’ hemp, Jim? It is a pity you see fit to ban Blair too. (private correspondence, ‘threatening’ sanction if I as much as talk to his staff. “Your Dangerous!” public meeting, Nandor debate.)

see Give New Zealand a say in global drug policy

Anderton hopes for BZP ban by Christmas

Blair Anderson with an ‘s’

Confusing Messages from Central Givamint

March 10, 1999