Archive for the ‘Diesel’ Category

Enforcing Anti-Idling better than All-Emmision Testing

October 12, 2008

This election, and subsequently the next term of governance is going to have to confront air Biodiesel fuel in an Erlenmeyer flaskImage via Wikipediaquality.

Labour’s Biofuel Bill progressively deploying ethanol and biodiesel across all fuel sales omits the civic benefits that accrue from ‘place management’ under LAM (local area management of air quality) . This means using low emission bio-fuels in population dense urban settings. This would be WIN-WIN thinking.

We seem to have capitulated to the government dictates as anywhere ‘local initiatives’ in the bio fuels manufactured represent a direct threat to petroleum producers 100% market share (and accounts for the resistance to blending, citing blending costs so disproportionate it can only be called usury. As I have have consistently argued the payback for addressing and improving air quality in urban settings is linear, zero-zero origin… every 10um/m3 reduced = money in the bank/social dividend.

Everyone benefits, none more so than those with conditions such as the diabetic, asthmatic, immunocompromised, cardio/ thoracic injury be it self inflicted (smoking) or occupational or lifestyle, DVT, and the elderly and the very young, it is Automobile exhaustImage via Wikipediadifficult to reconcile how such simplicity ‘in practice’ could derive such benefit. Of course, Local Territorial Authorities could do this under the aegis of staying under 2012 emission standards… if only they would measure < PM2.5 – in the mean time, So, turnoff your engine stupid…

Perhaps we need a Republic, that way people decide what our priorities should be… /Blair

ARB Begins Enforcing Anti-Idling Program

The California Air Resources Board has begun enforcing recently enacted anti-idling program for diesel engines that will reduce particulate matter emissions throughout the state.

California ARB staff and local air quality officials throughout the state will monitor sleeper berths and commercial on and off-road diesel vehicles where they operate. First time violations, idling for greater than five minutes, will receive a minimum civil penalty of $300. Subsequent penalties can be from $1,000 to $10,000. Owners, renters or lessees will be responsible for the penalty.

Exhaust pipe of a carImage via WikipediaRegulations limiting idling of on-road commercial diesel-engine vehicles to five minutes have been in effect for several years now and for sleeper berth trucks since January of 2008. The regulations addressing the idling of off-road diesel vehicles became effective in June of 2008. Industries were given a grace period allowing them to inform themselves and their staff of the new requirements.

In a case where an off-road vehicle is observed idling for more than five minutes, enforcement officials will contact the operator and site supervisor to determine the reason. If the reason is not exempted, as some clauses of the regulation allow, and the instance is a first time violation, a $300 per day citation will be issued to the owner, renter or lessee of the vehicle.

Diesel exhaust contains a variety of harmful gases and more than 40 other known cancer-causing compounds. In 1998, California identified diesel particulate matter as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer, premature death, and other health problems.

This fall the ARB will consider further measures to reduce emissions from heavy-duty diesel trucks. Over the past 10 years ARB has adopted regulations affecting cargo-handling equipment, transport refrigeration units, truck idling, off-road equipment, harbor craft, port drayage trucks, onboard incineration, and ships at-berth.

The public can report an idling violation by contacting the Air Resources Board at 1-800-END-SMOG (1-800-363-7664) or online at

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Associate ‘Shadow’ Law And Order.
#6 ‘on the list’

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219