Archive for the ‘Disability Act’ Category

Putting People in Prison For Their Genes!

July 6, 2008

The chemical structure of DNA. Hydrogen bonds ...Image via Wikipedia Addiction Largely Determined By Our Genes – Annual Meeting Of The Royal College Of Psychiatrists

The mystery of why one person becomes hooked on alcohol, heroin, sex or gambling, and another remains free of addiction, lies deep in the brain and is largely determined by our genes – [Medical News Today, UK]

This, should anyone consider it to be true, makes a mockery of the Misuse of Drugs Act’s Class C and B with the duress of prison sentencing for ingestion of any kind of cannabis. (possession is logically even more irrational)
Targeting of minority’s based on genetics is an abrogation of common decency and a violation of human rights. It is time that disability legislation dealt with this matter ASAP.
(no decision about us, without us.)

Cannabis Law is defacto Eugenics –

‘bioethicists should be on the look out for those subtle social forces which can
undermine the voluntariness of people’s choices and consents.’ – Eugenics and the Criticism of Bioethics, Ann Kerr and Tom Shakespeare, Genetic Politics: from eugenics to genome ,

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›
ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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