Archive for the ‘Dog breed’ Category

Doggy Data Matching

March 19, 2009

What Dog Breed are You? The Dog Breed Personal...Image by leef_smith via Flickr

So here we have it, big hairy Dogs cause crime, and the Police said it was Pot!

In 2006, Jaclyn Barnes led headed a team of researchers in Cincinnati which looked at the behaviors of owners of high risk for aggression dog breeds. Specifically they collected data from the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts in Ohio looking for evidence of criminal convictions.

A total of 166 owners of high risk dogs were compared with 189 owners of low risk dogs. The high risk dog owners had nearly 10 times more criminal convictions than other dog owners. Breaking the data down by categories of criminal behavior they found that high risk dog owners were 6.8 times more likely to be convicted of an aggressive crime, 2.8 times more likely to have carried out a crime involving children, 2.4 times more likely to have perpetrated domestic violence, and 5.4 times more likely to have an alcohol related conviction when compared to low risk dog owners…….

Perhaps the NZ Police need to establish and budget at NHQ, a National Dog Intelligence Bureau! [They profess to be good at Harm Index’s, even Doggy ones.]

Sensible Sentencing might go for “You are sentenced to ‘Life with a Cocker Spaniel’, we’ll reform your evil ways!”.

Do Repeat offenders get a brace of Dalmatians? and how soon will we be able to tell criminals by how fluffy their dog is?

Blair Anderson,
Barking Mad Doggy Analyst.

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