Archive for the ‘Drug Education’ Category

Drugs Schools and Testing

January 2, 2009 Square in Christchurch.Image via Wikipedia

Whereas young folk in this town [Christchurch, NZ] tell me “cannabis is easier to score than beer” and that New Years eve was “get pissed, bait the cops….”.

Any wonder?

Parents are declared incapable of youth education by fiat…. with constant calls by Police’s National Drug Intelligence advocating “educate at Primary School”. (presumably before Parents can be trusted with their kids education)

The subtle inference is that any Parent who treats the situation in an adult manner is criticised and quite probably ostracised and sanctioned. see (‘Gotta drink, it’s part of growing up’ )

What happened to State separation from Moral Reform?

Consider… Cannabis safer than alcohol or tobacco, says study (CANNABIS is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco, according to a major review published by the EU drugs agency.)

If I was a ‘today’s’ Parent I would be very very angry…

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

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