Archive for the ‘drug testing’ Category

Random Drug Testing Coming To A Street Near You.

November 21, 2008

Judge Jerry Paradis gave us some insight on drug testing that applies irrespective of the ‘state of the technology’ – its still a machine and the test is still arbitrary – bearing little correlation to ‘evidence of impairment’

Former London “top cop” Chief Det Super, Eddie Ellison described such testing as the logical equivalent of licking an exhaust pipe to see if the car had been speeding. He also had grave A road side warning in Victoria, Australia.Image via Wikipediaconcerns as to the public perception of Police in general arguing that any such ‘goodwill’ cache will satisfy ‘a few, desperate for drug policy to somehow work’ while degrading vital public support. His emphasis was on good police management, value for money resourcing and effective evidence based options.

It is a dangerous step in invasive practice degrading civil liberty, and represents the worst in “pharmakos” – (google it here)

In Scotland a new technology that detects the merest hint of illegal drugs on the hands of [potential] patrons of bars and night clubs leads to forbidden entry and in liaison with police providing ‘probable cause’ to search invoked.

It is a small step for ‘drug intel’ to do the same from roadside collected data. (data matching, so clearly protected against in the beginning of Wanganui Computer central records, is now common practice)

We should not suck up to this in silence, the NATIONAL PARTY has indicated it will pass at the earliest opportunity this perceived to be ‘tough on crime’ legislation. Smoking a Bong and Driving!Image: Mike Kline via Flickr

(see Timaru Herald’s slightly more considered DRUNK, rather than drugged drivers, are the more prolific on South Canterbury roads. compared to Roadside testing for drugged drivers hailed in Wairapa Times-Age.)

Clearly this is an issue in which public perceptions will be fundamental to the justification. (note the comment in the Time-Age “a two-year campaign in Britain led to a halving, to none, of dead young male drivers being on drugs. ” – so just how big exactly was the problem? Now compare that to alcohol! Could they be so lucky! )

Media has set the ground for this radical intervention with its policy, intended or otherwise of pharmakos. (all drug use is misuse, all illegal drug users are bad, and legal drug abusers can go to hell too.)

We are in dangerous social engineering territory….far far more dangerous than anything LABOUR was accused of. Fake Driver in a HondaImage by CalAggie via Flickr

We need a constitution and protection from the corrosive excesses of givamint.


Motorists to face roadside drug tests

Police to use handheld machine giving fast results from next year

By Michael Savage, Political Correspondent
Friday, 21 November 2008

New technology that can test drivers for illegal drugs in as little as 90 seconds will be ready for police use as early as next year, The Independent has learnt.

Government officials are keen to approve the roadside gadgetry “as soon as possible”, with developers working to have the devices ready for use by the second half of next year. The breakthrough technology will allow police officers to test drivers for heroin, cocaine, cannabis, methamphetamines and amphetamines by testing a swab of a driver’s saliva in a handheld device. (one needs to be very precautionary, this is and has ‘serious’ implications for those accused – very serious, and socially very expensive, yet the problem space may be very small and best addressed by enabling credible health promotion)

Roadside testing has been hampered in the past by the slowness of the process, which can take about 10 minutes. Other effective drugs tests require a urine sample (largely ineffective and socially unacceptable in practice), making them difficult to implement for drug-driving tests. ( Just because we have found an easy way doesn’t make the policy automatically acceptable or appropriate)

The Transport minister, Jim Fitzpatrick, wants to crack down (war talk alert) on those who use a car while under the influence of drugs, including legal drugs that can impair concentration. Up to a fifth of drivers killed in road accidents are found to have drugs in their system. (it is known that inclusion of cannabis testing ‘data’ grossly distorts this data set in favour of the elected official whose ‘policy’ of cracking down is expediency pandering to fears where there may well be none. )

An older version of the technology is already being used by the Home Office to test offenders (and innocent people) for drugs. They are also used for roadside testing by police in countries including Australia, Italy and Croatia. (which still doesn’t make it pass the analytic standard, Australia’s experience has not been as good as this would imply)

A swab of saliva is placed in a handheld tester the size of a chip-and-pin machine. Officers are then told (by a machine) whether the driver has passed or failed the test and which drugs have been detected. (watch out the poppy seed bun and innumerable other false positives.!)

A (unnamed) spokesperson at the Department for Transport said: “We are working very closely with the Home Office to make sure the approval document needed for roadside devices is completed as soon as possible. We are serious about tackling the (unquantified) problem of drug-driving.”

Talks have been held between the company producing the technology, Concateno, and the Department for Transport. Philip Hand, a consultant with Concateno, said: “The new system will be easy for police to use and appropriate for roadside tests (sales pitch alert). We are hoping to receive the necessary approval before the devices are ready to be rolled out at the end of the year.” (absent evidence this intervention is even warranted, in particular, for cannabis, where the correspondence to public danger is unproven or the ‘harms’ of creating unintended social downsides uncosted. )

The Government plans to create legislation to bring drug-driving in line with drink-driving. (and the evidence for this is? alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that has a linear correlation to impairment, whereas for cannabis the determinant is pharmakos ) Other measures proposed in its road safety consultation, published yesterday, include a plan to ban drivers who are twice caught exceeding a speed limit by 20mph. The Government is also considering a lowering of the legal alcohol limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg – the level most commonly used throughout the EU. (decreasing the size of the net, is not addressing the recidivist or the grossly impaired…. )

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Associate ‘Shadow’ Law And Order.

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

School shooting: It’s when, not if.

July 17, 2008

(Police address to School Trustees Annual Conference)

Police are pushing for schools to implement an emergency response strategy in the event of a shooting similar to those that have happened overseas.

On radio today, police were interviewed and this media release suddenly become the “P” [methamphetamine] problem… [yet another ‘meth-con’?] sad but true! / Blair

The New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) holds its annual conference in Christchurch from tomorrow and police say it is a good opportunity to discuss the realities of a shooting.

“Like it or not, it’s not a matter of whether a shooting could happen in a school, but more of a matter of when,” Superintendent Bruce Dunstan said.Mr Dunstan, commander of the police national tactical group, said such an event could involve anything from a person carrying a firearm to someone shooting one or more people.

While schools had plans for emergencies such as earthquakes, flooding and fires, few – if any – were prepared for an armed incident.

He said police expectations of boards of trustees in terms of emergency preparedness would be discussed at the conference.”We don’t want to create panic and say it’s going to happen tomorrow, but it is a form of emergency like many others that schools face, and we’d like schools to think about how they’d respond to minimise chaos should they be so unfortunate to be faced with such a scenario.”Just because a school hasn’t faced an emergency before doesn’t mean they can’t plan for it,” Mr Dunstan said.

He said police wanted a standard emergency response ratified so schools and police could be prepared and respond in a consistent way.”If we’re all on the same page it doesn’t matter whether the school is in Invercargill or Whangarei, the response and procedures will be the same for both schools and police.

“It means that on the day schools and students in particular will know how to react.”
Part of the response plan would be to consider how the alarm would be raised and how schools would react.

Police are currently in talks with the Ministry of Education and NZSTA, and want the ministry to make a response plan widely available to schools, who can then decide whether or not to adopt it.The conference will also cover student discipline issues, and issues that arise from complaints to the Ombudsmen’s Office by parents or students about board of trustees’ disciplinary decisions.

(and how many of these complaints will be around the contestable discipline policy and procedure issues relating to unresolved drug policy? /Blair)

Dogs, Drugs and Deluded Authority

July 3, 2008

Dogs in schools brings dogs into disrepute.

There is legitimate reason to have grave concerns regarding this practice. Every note in circulation carries residues of cocaine and where cannabis is so widely available even to adults it is all to easy to detect in almost any scenario especially at the near molecular trace levels a well trained dog can detect. This leads to false positives where the consequences, especially amongst peers, let alone determined authority eager to justify its ‘protectionist’ role. Drug Dogs in schools is a dangerous social practice in which the unintended harms are rarely quantified. It portrays ‘students’ as being under suspicion where there should be none, and sends the message to youth that “all their peers are doing it” when this is a false and misleading impression. Of course, authority is reluctant to acknowledge that they are [ever] part of the problem.

I applaud the insight given the comment “how they will handle the pastoral and press issues should a positive identification be found” – this is a very valid concern, made all the more crucial in the case of false positive.

I recommend anyone who shares these concerns to visit the website that covers drug education and youth and the booklet available there written by Prof. Rodney Skager “Beyond Zero Tolerance” for a Safety First approach to education and drugs.

Blair Anderson, Director
Educators For Sensible Drug Policy,

Cannabis so strong V8 driver stoned for two years.

April 28, 2008

Re: Motorsport: NZ Race Driver Banned After Positive Drug Test

The V8 driver was tested for the presence of metabolites of cannabis. The metabolites are the left overs, the residual chemical structure from the active ingredient. They are not proof of impairment rather the opposite, their existence shows that what ever THC (and any impairment associated with the unfamiliarity with the THC experience) has been used up, its gone, no longer active however they are proof, even at nanogram quantities that cannabinoids have been in this driver system.

Personally, I would rather work, recreate and take risks (and have done so many times) with someone who can make a rational choice to consume cannabis in a responsible manner than someone for whom other drugs, many of them legal, can have confounding effects.

The former UK top cop, Det. Chief Super, Eddie Ellison described cannabis testing of drivers as the logical equivalent of licking the exhaust pipe to see if the car exceeded the speed limit last week.

That every driver on the circuit is pumping with adrenalin, dopamine, testosterone and more is clear to me. Whereas alcohol impairment is not just limited to cognitive impairment post use, it can debilitate a drivers capacity to sustain high levels of these natural drugs hours and days after binge drinking.

Cannabis [in this case] is being hung out to dry while alcohol and prescribed drugs escape attention.

Notably, the winners podium will be awash with fermented liquors, the venue replete with the obligatory ‘drink more beer’ hordings, the chardonay set swimming in corporate liquid refreshments and, going by the glass in the waste bins, spectators similarly fueled.High powered double standards… (that evidentialy sets up every one for failure…)


Motorsport: NZ Race Driver Banned After Positive Drug Test
A New
Zealand V8 racecar driver has been banned after returning a positive drug test for a banned recreational drug. Dale Lambert tested positive for cannabis at the Manfeild round of the NZV8s in February 2007. Drug Free Sport New Zealand officials arrived at the circuit for the first-ever drug screening episode of the sport without prior notice and selected three Toyota Racing Series drivers and four NZV8 drivers.”Our members are subject to WADA’s list of banned substances and it’s the first time the agency has turned up at a circuit,” said MSNZ general manager Ross Armstrong. “It’s disappointing that we’ve had a positive urine test first time up but it reinforces to competitors that drugs will not be tolerated in the sport.” Unlike alcohol and other recreational drugs that leave the human system relatively quickly, cannabis can be found in tests up to 23 days later. Testing for alcohol at meetings has been put in place and any driver found with any trace will immediately be stood down. The anti-doping authorities are also concerned about the use of m###########ine or P.

After testing positive for cannabis, Lambert was advised of the result and the matter
was referred to MotorSport NZ for adjudication. Lambert did not appear at the meeting but sent a letter admitting taking the cannabis, albeit some considerable time prior to the test. The tribunal ruled the allegation was proved and Lambert was excluded from the New Zealand V8 championships for 2007-08 and his competition licence suspended until May 2010.For a sport where the slightest miscalculation or lack of concentration can put a driver in the wall, motor racing has been a little slow over the years in introducing mandatory random drug testing. Formula 1 has a random-testing system in place where at any meeting drivers can be tested.

Nascar also has a system but tests only on reasonable suspicion.Other forms of
the sport have various testing processes in place, but there are calls for more
more stringent procedures.

Source: The New Zealand HeraldCopyright: 2008, The New Zealand HeraldContact: Eric ThompsonWebsite: Motorsport: NZ race driver banned after positive drug test – 28 Apr 2008 – Motoring including motorsport, A1GP, news, reviews and comment – New Zealand Herald

Blair Anderson

Drug tests make no sense – The Age

March 28, 2008

“Importing a school-based, drug-testing policy that is not backed up by any evidence that it works, and may even be harmful, defies common sense.” – Gino Vumbaca is executive director of the Australian National Council on Drugs.

Drug tests make no sense – Opinion –

Blair Anderson