Archive for the ‘ecstasy’ Category

Nights of extreme Stupidity in Christchurch Drug Policy

June 28, 2008

A rational scale to assess the harm of drugs. Data source is the March 24, 2007 article: Nutt, David, Leslie A King, William Saulsbury, Colin Blakemore. The entire alcohol debate is gravely flawed with a suspension of any analysis around ‘alcohol’ being a drug. I hear it labeled so in pejorative terms by people who in so doing believe that somehow that justifies there prejudices to all drugs. Yet there in the middle of this see “Nights of extreme in Christchurch” [ ] we have policeman attributing more moderate behaviors associated with the time when raves fueled by Ecstasy occurred describing “E” as a ‘happy drug’.

And there lies the clue. It is so obvious to anyone who looks at what drives the behavioral outcomes, the need to be part of something, to bond… “Until we accept that our national drug policy is corrupted by the idea there is ‘evil vs good’ drugs we never get a handle on this.”

Mere possession of “Ecstasy” [MDMA] was elevated to a Class A schedule (which to a young person means ‘must be really excellent’) with life in prison, comparable to murder. Yet, in the London party scene half a million “E” tablets are consumed every weekend and it is cheaper to buy than a can of coke. These ‘consumers’ are hugging each other.

In a review of Addiction Treatment: Science and Policy for the Twenty-First Century, by Stanford University’s Dr. Alex Macario [JAMA June 4] he highlights “the amazing discord between scientific knowledge and public perception” surrounding drug use.

The simplistic treatment of alcohol outside of the National Drug Policy framework was the product of serious lobbying when in the mid 1990’s alcohol stakeholders kept ‘legal’ policy from ‘illicit’ policy. Yet there is nothing pharmacologically that justifies this other than an accident of history and and some dubious ‘conventions’.

It is time in drug policy to accept the holistic approach was “highly recommended” in the policy formulation process pre-1996 and bring ALCOHOL, TOBACCO and CANNABIS into a regulated and thus controlled management regime that acknowledges ‘some harms’ while removing the impediments to credible anti-drug education. (NZ Health Select Committee 2002).

Class D represents the legislative model for such an initiative. Then we can get cracking on taking an evidenced based review of where BZP, MDMA and LSD (and others) would fit in the ABC classifications and get this stuff sorted. It could be the making of ‘civil’ New Zealand. Clearly the pharmacology of alcohol has no bearing on if you are a “good” person, or if you do take AB or C drugs, you are a “bad” person.

Removing the logical anomaly is the stuff of social capital. But don’t hold your breath expecting the media, in particular the PRESS to ride that wave. Crime and Moral Panic makes for much more interesting front pages.

Note: EU REPORT, June 2008 – “Cannabis Safer Than Alcohol Or Tobacco, Says Study”

The report said most users cease smoking cannabis by their late 20s or early 30s and that the vast majority did not experience any negative effects. “On every comparison of dangerousness we have considered, cannabis is at or near the bottom in comparison with other psychoactive substances,” said author Robin Room, in an analysis contained in a 700-page EU report on cannabis. The report, A Cannabis Reader: Global Issues and Local Experiences, was published yesterday by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction to coincide with international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Coincidentally the same day the NZ Police tells us Cannabis is the biggest threat to society.

NZ’s Police Intelligence will choke on this. The bastards need to stop telling lies. It’s not in their mandate, indeed according to the Police Act, warrants ‘to arrest’ are based on them telling the truth… they could make a good start here, this report spills the beans. Until they read (and apply) this they are without moral authority.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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Zemanta Pixie

BERL’s BoonDoggle

June 25, 2008

Lysergic acid diethylamideOne could send NZ’s entire
LSD ‘problem’ (10gms) in
one envelope via NZ Post!
and Dogs couldnt even smell it!
Hardcore drugs P, cocaine and Ecstasy gave New Zealand a bill of about $546 million for social costs in one financial year. (Ecstacy “hardcore”, who are these guys kidding, this is proof Accountants should stay away from drugs)

They are a big part of the total $1.3 billion that drug use cost the country in 2005 and 2006.
The figures come from a new index designed by economists to help police decide where drugs do the most harm and enable them to use resources more efficiently.

The Drug Harm Index, released yesterday, will help police determine the socio-economic costs from drug seizures and track the value of the drug trade in New Zealand. (this is laughable – “it amounts in reality to harms from prohibition in dollars per kilo/Blair)

It measures social harms related to drug use such as lost work output, health service use, diverted resources and reduced quality or loss of life. (it does not measure all harms , it does identify a state service that is forbidden from lying, telling lies. This has the signature of CZAR Anderton all over it, and he calls me dangerous!/Blair)

The study investigated harm caused by four drug categories – stimulants (methamphetamine or “P”, cocaine and Ecstasy), opioids (opium, homebake heroin and morphine), cannabis (plants and plant extracts) and LSD (hallucinogens).

It found that 373,310 people used cannabis, but only 17 per cent of these were frequent users.
(evidence of law in disrepute/Blair)

There were 38,390 cocaine users, of which 88 per cent were frequent users.

Nearly 23,000 people used crystal methamphetamine (36 per cent of them often) and 81,890 took Ecstasy (24 per cent often). (How come?, I thought these substances were prohibited? Doesnt the policy work? – Idiots!)

Cannabis was the most used drug by far. At the other end of the scale, LSD use was limited to 2.6 times a year on average.

Men who took drugs were absent from work about 70 per cent more days than abstainers, and women 20 per cent more days. (This is unsupported by evidence that shows cannabis users take less sick days than joe public and on average had a higher mean income/Blair)

Male cannabis users took about 8 per cent more sick days than the average male worker and opioid users took 40 per cent more days. (and alcohol/tobacco ??? you twerps! )

Other findings were:
* Cannabis cost $431 million, opioids $326 million and LSD $7.1 million.
* The most damaging drug per kilogram was LSD, which cost more than $1.05 billion a kg (ROFLOL – do the homework here, $7million/1.05billion – BERL reckons NZ’s LSD ‘problem amounts to a total of about 10gms, or about a third of an ounce )
* About 1578 people – 16 per cent of the prison population – were in jail as a result of drug-related crimes. This was at a cost of about $68,880 per person – $108.7 million in total.
* Court costs were $353 million.
* People serving community sentences cost $20.9 million and those on home detention cost $300,000.
* Hospital costs attributed to patients with drug-related problems amounted to $6.76 million – an average of about $2949 for each of 2292 patients. (Health Costs attributable to Alcohol may be as much as 70% of the total health vote according to UK NHS – Illicit drugs are cheap!)
* There were about 1920 drug-related deaths (including road accidents and homicides), costing $205.2 million, or $106,000 a person (non-of-which can be scientifically thus evidentially attributed to cannabis/Blair)
While stimulants contributed 41 per cent of the total costs, figures showed that in 2006, police and Customs seized 33,480kg of cannabis compared with only 155kg of stimulants. (not bad eh, 33 tonnes of cannabis!, NZ smokes its way through more than 200 tonnes a year and no one died! Doh!)

And police dealing with drug offences spent 55.8 per cent of their time addressing cannabis, against 43 per cent of their hours dealing with stimulant-related issues. (demonstrating what a massive waste of resources prohibition of cannabis is)

Former police detective Mike Sabin, who now specialises in dealing with P users, said police should dedicate as many resources to drug offences as they did to road policing. (what is he suggesting, Random Footpath Checks? )

He said police and the Government had made an effort to reduce road accidents over the past 10 years. “We’ve seen a halving of the road toll in that time …If we saw the same level of policing on drugs I think we’d see a significant reduction in the costs identified in this report.” (absent any proof this is pure speculation – he’s making it up as he goes – the guy is an idiot if he believes that somehow suddenly NZ Police can do what billions of dollars has failed to accomplish, keep taking the pills Mike!, it should help with the delusions.)

Police had started to steer away from drug and organised crime policing, possibly because it was costing too much, clogged up the courts and created statistics that would not exist unless you “went out and found the drugs”, Mr Sabin said. (not while the Police ‘budgets’ for drug interdiction remained an unaccountable cash cow that Mr Sabin is all to ready to suck the tit of)

Police spent about 4 per cent of their time working on drug-related offences, the index showed.
National crime manager Detective Superintendent Win van der Velde told the police Ten One magazine a reduction in social costs since 2000 showed drug seizures in 2006 avoided $485 million of drug harm. (hahahahhaahaaa! your joking… Operation VeeDub cost millions to prosecute and the guys walked! )

“This index holds the potential for police to become more targeted and responsive to areas of crime where greater harm occurs.”

(This is even funnier. Perhaps he’s going to disband the Expert Advisory Committe (on Drugs) for lying to the public about drug harms! Mr Sabin calls himself “Methcon”, is that some kind of cruel joke?)

The study did not include party pills such as benzylpiperazine (BZPs), which were reclassified as Class C drugs from April 1. (Contrary to best practice public health – they reclassified because [Czar] Jim Anderton paid for the research outcomes he wanted to see)

Such appaling ‘cost benefit analysis’ is a drug offence!

Blair Anderson

Zemanta Pixie

Ecstasy ‘trust’ is the key

May 4, 2008

What makes MDMA so useful, Mithoefer believes, is the trust it establishes.

Ecstasy is the key to treating PTSD – Times Online

As with Ritalin, ethics surrounding this emerging science is really about cognitive liberty and [the right to] informed consent. /Blair