Archive for the ‘Frank Marshall Davis’ Category

Did Frank Marshall Davis Sell Cocaine With Obama? [New Zeal]

November 2, 2008

Blair Anderson has left a new comment on the post “Did Frank Marshall Davis Sell Cocaine With Obama?“:

States ...Getty Images While it may or may not be true as to Obama’s partaking of social intoxicants (experiential or otherwise) or as to the source of said drugs (always best from a trusted source), Obama can be held in high regard for at least acknowledging the reality, that he enjoyed them “and inhaled, that was the point!”.

Not so however can I mitigate the ‘Uncle Tom‘ that we see today. Obama has failed in his ‘need for change’ dialog in not going there on drug issues. It is a racist, classist law in application and effect. His silence given the fiscal ‘trillion dollar boondoggle’ downside in these pressing times and the impact on law and order…(and UNGASS review) is squeamish, but like New Zealand’s pretense around ‘bottom lines’ pre-MMP election journalism on this subject seems internationally afflicted.

We are the only democratic nation on the planet for whom two consecutive MMP arrangements have had as there bottom line “thou shalt not talk about cannabis”. This being one of four criteria for ‘confidence and supply (access to treasury cheque account) makes us and our forth estate look patently inane.

United States President Bill Clinton and New Z...Image via WikipediaWill no one ask ANY of the leaders major or minor of their post election intentions?

Cannabis issues defined the outcome of the 96, 99, 02, and 05 elections…(ask Jenny Shipley!) are we politically stupid?

There is an UNGASS review in March09 and a NZ Law Commission review ‘in progress’ – tell me there is no context to the question?

Posted by Blair Anderson to New Zeal at 10:43 AM

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