Archive for the ‘gun culture’ Category

Lawmakers consider marijuana legalization

March 19, 2008

BOSTON — The Legislature’s Joint Committee on the Judiciary, which includes three members of the Lynn delegation, meets today for a hearing on whether to decriminalize marijuana.

(and all this is occuring while the Federal Law Court confronts constitutional issues surrounding gun law… hasnt anyone told them IT’s the drug policy stupid! – see Boston Economics Professor Jeff Miron on Violence Guns and Drugs)

The Legislature is constitutionally required to conduct a hearing on the Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy (CSMP) initiative that creates a civil penalty and fine system for individuals possessing up to an ounce of marijuana.

The initiative, House bill No. 4468, is titled “An Act Establishing a Sensible Marijuana Policy for the Commonwealth.”

According to Whitney A. Taylor, the CSMP campaign manager, “by creating a civil penalty system for possession of up to an ounce of marijuana, the initiative will greatly reduce the human and financial costs of current laws. Massachusetts’ taxpayers spend $29.5 million a year just to arrest and book these offenders. Even more costly is the creation of a criminal record for the approximately 7,500 offenders arrested every year.

Criminal records are entered into the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) database and result in lifelong punishment, potentially making an individual ineligible for student loans, creating barriers to employment, and barring individuals from many housing opportunities, Taylor said.

Sen. Thomas McGee, and Representatives Robert Fennell and Steve Walsh, all Lynn Democrats, are members of the joint committee.

The 1 p.m. hearing at the State House marks the third hurdle in the ballot initiative process: The legislature has until May 6 to pass the initiative and send it to the governor, draft its own version to place on the ballot, or take no action and allow CSMP to continue the initiative process, Taylor said.

The CSMP has lined up several panelists for the hearing to offer support for the initiative. Among them are Sen. Pat Jehlen (D-2nd Middlesex), sponsor of original legislation upon which the CSMP initiative is based; Thomas Kiley of the law firm Cosgrove, Eisenberg & Kiley, former Massachusetts deputy attorney general and the lawyer who drafted the CSMP initiative; Jeffrey Miron, a Harvard University economics professor and author of “The Effect of Marijuana Decriminalization on the Budgets of Massachusetts Governments” and Jack Cole from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, former undercover narcotics officer and an original signer of the initiative.

Lawmakers consider marijuana legalization / By David Liscio/The Daily Item

Drugs strategy debate ‘is a sham’

October 21, 2007

“‘Prohibition’s failure is now widely understood and acknowledged among key stakeholders in the debate… the political benefits of pursuing prohibition are now waning and the political costs of its continuation are becoming unsustainable.”

other highlights that have high relevence to the current New Zealand drug policy ‘situation’ / Blair

current policy is fuelling a crime epidemic.

drug prohibition has allowed organised crime to control the market and criminalised millions of users, putting a huge strain on the justice system.

half of all property crime is linked to fundraising to buy illegal drugs.

police claim that drug markets are the main driver of the UK’s burgeoning gun culture.

Home Office survey, commissioned in 2000, which showed the social and economic costs … were costs to the victims of drug-related crime.

the consultation process has been a sham designed to stifle debate on drugs policy

Drugs strategy debate ‘is a sham’ Special reports Guardian Unlimited: