Archive for the ‘Holland’ Category

New Scientist: Cannabis Kamatua Needed.

May 20, 2009

Cannabis Kamatua Needed

Wed May 20 23:22:10 BST 2009 by Blair Anderson

Cannabis sativa, scientific drawing.Image via Wikipedia

The endless charade maintaining cannabis prohibition on a global scale is being challenged in New Zealand as it reviews its ‘all drug policy‘ through the statutory empowered Law Commission. New Zealand has already given royal assent and passed into law the regulatory model for legal sale, storage, cultivation and manufacture, labeling, place of sale, age of consent and research oversight (Oct 6th, 2008). The UN consultation phase pre-Vienna avoided any recognition either in local or international media of this world first initiative yet cannabis is used in NZ at a rate higher than Jamaica, with clear evidence of extremely damaging consequences to some individuals, the deviancy amplification principally caused by covert Policing. There is scope for New Zealand to lead the world in reform options if it takes the policy analytic approach. The world needs a new Holland!
– /Blair

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