Archive for the ‘Illegal’ Category

Magistrate encourages his drug habit

January 22, 2009
  • Man in court on drug possession charges
  • Says marijuana eases burns pain
  • Magistrate encourages his drug habit
Jason Bernard Young

LIFE of pain … burns victim Jason Bernard Young, of Queensland, says marijuana helps him sleep.


A MAGISTRATE has encouraged a regular marijuana user to attempt to get his drug usage legalised, because it was the only substance that numbed his pain after his whole body was badly burned.

Coolum Beach, looking southImage via Wikipedia

Jason Bernard Young, 31, from Coolum Beach on the Sunshine Coast, appeared in the Maroochydore Magistrates’ Court yesterday on two drug possession charges after he was found with 2g of marijuana at his home in December.

Young was intoxicated when he fell off a train bridge in 1995 and sustained burns to 95 per cent of his body after he grabbed hold of the electrical wiring above the Bald Hills train station in Brisbane. The court was told Young had tried numerous drugs and pain killers but marijuana was the best substance in stopping his aches and pains.

Magistrate Bernadette Callaghan said his case was a “tragic” one and advised Young to contact his member of Parliament to try to get his drug usage legalised.

“There are very, very few people who cannot get help through normal medication,” she said.

“I think you should write to your member of Parliament about this.”

Outside court Young said his life was a continuous struggle and he was going to seek help about getting his drug usage legalised.

“I’ve been on pain killers and sleeping tablets for a long time but in the end it just ruined my body, and with some tablets I put on weight which stretches my skin and it starts tearing,” he said.
Acerca de la materia medicinal y de los veneno...Image by Landahlauts via Flickr
“I’ve found something that fixes it (my pain) but it’s illegal.

“I used marijuana four times a day and it pretty much relaxes my muscles and relaxes my body so I can breathe easier. It doesn’t take away all the pain but it takes away enough to get me moving and mobile and most of all it helps me sleep.”

Young said he was going to contact the Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson about the issue.

He was put on a good behaviour bond for one month.

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Law Enforcement Against Prohibition NZ Tour

July 9, 2008

Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. Those policies have failed, and continue to fail, to effectively address the problems of drug abuse, especially the problems of juvenile drug use, the problems of addiction, and the problems of crime caused by the existence of a criminal black market in drugs.

SplashCast “Law Enforcement Against Prohibition” to your page

Blair Anderson
Judge Jerry Paradis New Zealand Tour 2008 facilitator.
phone 03 3894065, cell 027 265 7219

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Long-term daily cannabis use seen harmful to brain tissue, mental health

June 3, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO - JULY 13:  Corey Kelly, who is HIV positive, smokes medicinal marijuana at the Alternative Herbal Health Services cannabis dispensary July 13, 2006 in San Francisco. San Francisco city planners are deciding July 13 if they will issue a permit to allow Kevin Reed to open the Green Cross medical marijuana dispensary right in the middle of San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf area, a popular tourist destination.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Corey KellyImage by Getty Images via Daylife
Dr. Yucel says “Many people in the community, as well as cannabis users themselves, believe that cannabis is relatively harmless and should be legally available,”
(see Yucel Research link here)

This argument is a straw man.

The heavy use of cannabis as characterized by this study [5+ daily joints*356*10yrs] would be the extreme exception in consumption.

It would be very difficult to find 15 cannabis only consumers in Australia using at this level.

(further) This heavy consumption was occurring in a context of absolute prohibition, clear evidence of policy ‘efficacy’ failure being so predicated on zero tolerance of any harm.

But what do we find? A harm association by a correlation only, and as reported elsewhere – no basis for thinking there is cannabis harm causation other than at sub clinical behavioral measures.

Remember the UN cannabis related covenants sanctions billions of dollars annually on police, justice, law, and corrections and maintains a culture of global corruption and injustice that hurts tens of thousands of innocent non-cannabis users. Who is protecting their neuroanatomical wellbeing?

What we have here is a premise that cannabis is NOT harmless whereas sociological and epidemiology ‘evidence’ demonstrates that relative to alcohol and tobacco, cannabis harms have been AND continue to be largely overstated. This is a substantially different reason for legal regulation than the inferred argument that the legal status should not change because ‘some harm’ at the extreme end of consumption can be demonstrated. Dr. Yucel’s research is no justification for continuing criminalisation to save people from themselves. The inference that it is makes the academic value of this research moot.

Consider, were the same 15 individuals to have consumed (and displaced joints) some eighteen thousand drams of single malt whiskey over ten years Dr. Yucel and his team would have been counting death certificates and adding up hospital bills for mental health incidences, accidents and disease including cancer, liver disease, cardiovascular issues, diabetes and more.

By any standard this research is arguably a testimony to cannabis being an effective ‘alcohol displacement harm reduction‘ intervention with fewer downsides than most ‘bigpharma’ medications. It is easier, cheaper, more respectful [informed consent] and more efficacious if the evidence presented here was used to making the case for ‘there are some self medication harms but there is no impediment to legal regulation to enable credible health promotion’.

Remember, prohibition didn’t stop these 15 males consuming to the Max. and had we not MRI’d them, we (both researcher and society) wouldn’t in all likelihood even noticed them.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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