Archive for the ‘INCB’ Category

Evidence Is In, and is Exonerative……

July 28, 2008

United Nations Security Council.UN Security Council
in disrepute?
“Evidence Is In” and is Exonerative……

What should be a matter of social justice and inclusive politics has been reduced to the logical equivalent of water-boarding.

The failure of ‘due process’ in the USA is dirt on the hands of those who govern and they should be held to account.

It is therefore up to the citizens of the USA to regale at the UN Convention on Narcotics under which they are shackled and join in the global push to disenfranchise the INCB‘s hold on the debate.

There has never been a better chance available to all world citizens to circumvent the tyranny of the majority than UNODC Vienna 2009.

It is, as it were, in your hands… each and everyone of you.

see Beyond 2008 NGO consultation recommendations containing clear harm reduction and human rights language, calling for evidence-based, culturally and socially sensitive approaches, calling for inclusion of all affected and stigmatised populations, access to alternative livelihoods before eradication, improved access to essential medicines under treaty control, encouraging alternatives to criminal/prison sanctions, analysing unintended consequences of the drug control system, taking into account traditional licit uses, and many more.

This is the stuff of social capital. Back the horse that is winning.

$8Billion Dollars of American Bullshite

February 26, 2008

The argument [American Pot Smokers Providing Over $8 Billion of Revenue to Drug Cartels] that cannabis and other drug violence and mayhem in Mexico and other jurisdictions is caused by demand side consumption by Americans is utterly implausible. It is prohibition itself that causes the very problems it sets out to solve. It is “spin doctoring” by a flawed and capricious ‘moral’ enforcement regime determined maintain the current policy and damn the costs and consequences mentality. The USA has been fostering violence and death via UN conventions for far too long. The ‘estimated revenue’ graphs identify why it is so important to address our collective selves to the injustice of global cannabis prohibition urgently.

Blair Anderson