Archive for the ‘Jim Anderton’ Category

Drug ban will fuel gang black market – warning

August 2, 2008

Jim Anderton, former Deputy Prime Minister of ...Hon. Jim Anderton, former
Deputy Prime Minister
and current Associate Minister
of Health, popularily known as
NZ’s ‘Drug Czar’.
The banning of BZP party pills was “a sham” based on unreliable research and will feed a black market headed by drug-running gangs, a criminal law professor says. (By KERRY WILLIAMSON – The Press Friday, 01 August 2008 )

In an article in the New Zealand Law Journal – titled The Great BZP Hoax – Otago University professor Kevin Dawkins accuses the Government of rushing through legislation to ban BZP, ignoring regulatory measures that could have curbed rampant use of the drug.
He calls the Misuse of Drugs (Classification of BZP) Amendment Act, passed on April 1, “legislative folly” and writes that the BZP ban will push the drug underground and expose users to other drugs such as P and ecstasy.

“Since prohibition cannot repeal the law of supply and demand, those who prefer to continue using BZP will be forced into the black market and the arms of the gangs,” he says.

Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton – who dismissed Professor Dawkins’ article as “careless” – pushed through the BZP ban after a recommendation from an expert advisory committee on drugs. The research showed the pills caused migraines, hallucinations, vomiting, confusion, seizures and insomnia.

The ban came after regulatory measures were considered, including restrictions on dosages, labelling, points of sale, and advertising.

Professor Dawkins said those regulations were simply “a stalking horse” for prohibition.
Not to have implemented the regulatory regime for BZP is a gross deception in itself,” he writes in the Law Journal. “But to have jettisoned regulation in favour of prohibition aggravates the hoax.”

He attacks the research used to support the ban, saying it was based on “unpublished, unreplicated and unreliable research, potentially compromised by conflicts of interest“.
Mr Anderton said the BZP ban was implemented after “carefully weighing all the evidence I could“. (that Anderton paid for and presented to the Expert Advisory Committee now overpopulated with justice, police, corrections, border control and other prohibitory vested interests, the very committe then Minister of Health, now Minister of Police, Hon Annette King said would ‘take the politics out of drug policy’. Yeah Right! /Blair)

He said Professsor Dawkins had a “long record” of advocating drug law liberalisation. (so what!)
The evidence told me very clearly that the drug had enough potential to cause harm that it could be banned,” he said. (and alcohol doesnt?)

Mr Anderton said there was little evidence that banning BZP had turned users toward harder drugs.

Drug Foundation executive director Ross Bell said he had questions about “the quality of some of the research” used to support a ban but that Mr Anderton “played a pretty straight bat” over party pills.

I think [Professor Dawkins] is trying to find a conspiracy where there isn’t one. I agree with him that there were a number of regulations put in place and they weren’t enforced, and I think that’s a real shame. But I disagree with his conclusion that there was a direct attempt by the minister to get his way.”

Pity that the Press didnt take the opportunity to inquire into the larger ‘legislative and public policy fraud’ simmering behind the banning of BZP; the ommision of any discussion around the legislative framework for controlled availability; Class D.

That would have been the acid test to determine any Anderton agenda, or indeed if Bell ‘s opinion that ‘this was about BZP’ held water. / Blair Anderson

Zemanta Pixie

Professor Dawkins on Class D

June 21, 2008

Professor Dawkins (Otago School of Law) on Class D

(recorded at the Dunedin Cannabis Week, May 2008)

Blair Anderson

Dunedin Overgrown By Cannabis Truth

April 25, 2008

The long-smouldering debate over cannabis law reform will be reignited when Dunedin activists host a series of public events designed to inform and educate the community about the cannabis plant. The Otago University branch of the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), with support from the Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA), is preparing to kick off Cannabis Awareness Week on the Otago University Campus in Dunedin.

Cannabis sativa, while being one of mankind’s longest cultivated crops, has only in recent times become a source of great controversy. Sadly, this controversy is generally framed in divisive rhetoric based on unexamined premises, and is rarely thoroughly discussed.

Cannabis Awareness Week kicks off with the arrival of Mary Jane the CannaBus in Dunedin, the final destination NORML New Zealand’s six-week tour of the country, raising awareness and encouraging law reform in this election year 2008. From Monday to Friday, NORML will present daily workshops on the University Union Lawn at noon, open lectures in St David’s Lecture Theatre every evening at 7.00pm, and late night classics from the stoner movie canon at 9.00pm in Mojo’s Hall to finish off.

In the Archway 4 lecture theatre on Tuesday April 29, University of Otago PhD candidate Geoff Noller will present the results of his thesis Cannabis In New Zealand: Perceptions of Use, Users and Policy.

The feature event, on Thursday May 1st, will see high-profile speakers from across the spectrum participate in a round-table discussion on current laws surrounding cannabis and alcohol, in light of the relative harms posed by the two substances. Speakers include the Hon. Jim Anderton (Progressive MP and Associate Minister of Health), Nandor Tanczos (Green MP) and Pauline Gardiner (former National/United MP and Founder of WellTrust). (see for full details/Blair)

This week of education and information concludes with the Dunedin contribution to the Worldwide Marijuana March (J Day), the biggest global day of action in the marijuana law reform movement. Activists will protest prohibition in style with bands and DJs playing from High Noon to 4.20pm in the Octagon. Past J Days in Dunedin have seen activists take over the Dunedin Police Station and smoke cannabis in the main foyer.

Source: Scoop
Copyright: 2008, NORML
Contact: NORML
Website: Scoop: Dunedin Overgrown By Cannabis Truth

420 on Campus

Drug Crimes Soar as Cops Tell Morality Porkies.

April 6, 2008

Drug crimes soar as cops get tough
02.04.2008 / Bay of Plenty Times


Western Bay police say their crackdown on ‘evil’ drugs like P and cannabis is the reason why drug offences soared last year.

Statistics released yesterday showed more than 130 more drug offences were uncovered by local police last year _ an increase of 30.1 per cent from 2006. Western Bay of Plenty Police District Area Commander, Mike Clement, attributed the dramatic rise to better policing.

“It was a very strong focus on having an intolerance towards cannabis dealing,” he said. “That [increase] is largely around our policing of drugs.

“I just don’t like people drug dealing, and the message is very loud and clear, and the community doesn’t like it either, and we’re doing something about it.

Drug crimes soar as cops get tough – Bay of Plenty Times – 2008-04-02 09:10:00.0 – localnews

When top dick Eddie Ellison was in BoP in 2004 he spoke of the lesson in drug policing management where he placed an elevated intervention process in an otherwise identified no drugs area, and low and behold, after some low level detections the media is reporting the village is going to hell in a hand basket and local folk are demanding answers to the ‘problem’.
He promised everything and did nothing… pulling the policing out of the area. What happened? the Drug Problem simply went away.
When can we have cops that understand the POLICING is not just LAW ENFORCEMENT to justify ongoing budgets?
When drugs become ‘evil’ there is an unspoken agenda that is unrelated to the pharmacology. Some may even think the muloch is prohibition itself!

If Cannabis is Evil, then, based on harms, Alcohol is the devil incarnate.

And Anderton, after your inane ‘because its dangerous’ BZP on SUNDAY (TVOne) you look the fool I took you to be…

By any standard, swimming must be banned immediately, and our Biejing bound pool athletes withdrawn…

And this fixes diddly, Whats Next Jim?

March 17, 2008

New Drug Policy launched – pressure kept on

March 15, 2007

pressure… bah humbug!

Launch of the National Drug Policy 2007 – 2012, Grand Hall, Parliament

And all this is the result of a ‘due process’ found to be gravely wanting.
There were strong opinions within the EACD but the predominance of stake hold interests in status quo saw the health concerns and applied everything that has never been shown to work.

Some on the EACD seem to think, if you bang your head against the wall long enough it will stop hurting.

Blair Anderson