Archive for the ‘John McCain’ Category

Cindy McCain – Drug Dealer

August 12, 2008

This is not about party politics; it is about partying politics.” – M.Tvert

From official photo (cropped)

Cindy McCain: Drug Dealer Campaign Launched
by SAFER press release (05 Aug, 2008)

Pro-Marijuana Group Launches National Campaign Labeling Cindy McCain, the Head of the Hensley Beer Cartel, a “Drug Dealer”

A Colorado-based marijuana policy reform organization, Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), unveiled a national campaign titled “Cindy McCain: Drug Dealer.” The campaign highlights the hypocrisy of laws that may allow a major alcohol dealer to become First Lady, yet make criminals out of adults who possess marijuana, a drug that has been found to be far less harmful than alcohol both to the user and to society.

The campaign has launched a Web site — — detailing Cindy McCain’s role as the head of Hensley & Co., one of the nation’s largest beer distributorships, as well as the relative harms of the two drugs. The site also includes an on-line ad titled “Drug-Deal-Er,” downloadable “WANTED” posters featuring a photo of Cindy McCain, and a petition expressing the signer’s belief that adults should be allowed to make “the rational, SAFER choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol for relaxation and recreation.”

SAFER Executive Director Mason Tvert will formally announce the launch of the campaign at a press conference at 10 a.m. MST (1 p.m. EDT) in front of the Hensley Cartel’s Headquarters in Phoenix (4201 N. 45th Ave.).

“SAFER is not an anti-alcohol organization,” said Tvert. “Our purpose is to draw attention to the fact that our government steers citizens to choose alcohol over marijuana, despite the fact that marijuana is far less harmful. Through this campaign, we hope to highlight the hypocrisy that exists in our society. While adults are arrested for mere possession of marijuana, Cindy McCain has made a fortune dealing a far more harmful drug.”

“This is in no way a partisan attack,” Tvert said. “In fact, we ran a similar campaign surrounding popular Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper — a Democrat and a brewpub owner — in the past. SAFER simply takes advantage of any opportunity to point out the hypocrisy inherent in our nation’s alcohol and marijuana laws. This is not about party politics; it is about partying politics.”
