Archive for the ‘meth’ Category

Leading Evidence

May 4, 2007
Leading Evidence.
The evidence of a corollary between the societal response to dogs and drugs is mounting. This media is an exemplar of the othering and typecasting that Natalie, quite correctly points out.

The metaphors, ‘give a dog a bad name’ and ‘never kick a dog that’s down’ are relevant to resolving the tensions behind both of these perplexing social problems, and indicative of what we, the community need to do to fix both.

Media would be less likely to report for example “it has been my experience that Jack Russells more often than not, are agents provocateur” despite that it may well be the common experience of many others. How likely would it be that ‘that tale be told’ let alone, including in this case, be it the actual circumstances?

Prejudices leads to othering. Othering leads to lies. Lies lead to injustice. Injustice serves no one. Dog or Man.

(see comments at )

Blair Anderson

Aussie’s call for internet drug fight

March 1, 2007

POLITICIANS want police and the Australian Crime Commission to have extra powers to scour the internet and hunt the manufacturers and suppliers of synthetic drugs such as ice and ecstasy.

Authorities should be allowed to spy in web chatrooms and track down “cookbooks” that guide criminals and their technicians in the manufacture of the drugs, a parliamentary committee report said yesterday.

Other types of investigations, such as into tax evasion or money-laundering, should be encouraged in a bid to catch those businesses that operate with legitimate operations.

The joint standing committee on the Australian Crime Commission, which investigated amphetamines and other synthetic drugs warned that organised crime was increasing its involvement in the insidious trade and a bolstered and co-ordinated national response was needed.

Investigators needed extra money from commonwealth, state and territory governments to specifically tackle law enforcement as well as education and research, the report says.

Sound familair?

The use of ice was escalating, with it becoming the drug of choice among young people who did not believe it carried the social stigma of heroin.

Australia recently released a report saying how effective it was in scaring young people away from ‘dirty’ cannabis, even admitting the ‘fallacy‘ of the fears that created. And i said, no wonder they have a meth problem! Same shite rules, same shite outcome.

NZ is largely absent the heroin, being as we are off the drug trade routes, we don’t get the market spillage. Our heroin is largely homebake, converted from morphine sulphate, ex-legal prescription sources. We were meth potentiated!.

Blair Anderson