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UK’s Mike Trace – Drugs Fifth Columnist (BRAHA)

October 12, 2008

UK’s Mike Trace – Drugs Fifth Columnist

Posted By BRAHA Editor On October 6, 2008 @ 4:53 pm In Drug Prevention Comments Disabled

Feb 2009 Update to this story: The resurrection of a six year old  article in the “European Cities Against Drugs” newsletter has been  misrepresented as current news. Here is the original story published February 2003  ECAD Newsletter, “Drug Scandal in UN and EU.”. It is extremely inappropriate journalism. /Blair

(the prohibitionists are mobilising… here is a classic example of engineering the dialog – especially this bit : “The conspiracy against the UN Conventions on Drugs shows very clearly how money and contacts, getting the ‘right’ people on key posts can overrule democracy and the will of the voters. It shows how elected politicians are viewed as chessmen that can be moved in any direction. Furthermore, the fact that powerful, financial foundations can influence politics in almost any direction should be a matter for great concern.” /Blair )

According to information obtained by HNN, former UK deputy drug czar Mike Trace, is masterminding a European legalisation campaign at the same time as he has been appointed Head of Demand Reduction at the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime in Vienna, UNDCP . Several documents containing letters, minutes from secret meetings, secret plans, references to meetings and phone calls clearly show that the campaign was planned to take place before the mid-term review of the outcome of the 1998 UNGASS meeting in New York and in connection with the conference in Vienna in April this year, i.e. the work of the agency* is by no means terminated.

For about a year Mike Trace has worked as a ‘fifth columnist’ as he puts it himself in a letter – “A fifth column role would allow me to oversee the setting-up of the agency while promoting its aims subtly in formal government settings.” Last month he warned a colleague in the ‘agency’, “A small but crucial point – can I from now on not be referred to by name in any written material.”

Open Society InstituteImage via WikipediaA well-known UK organisation, Release International, has served as ‘cover’. A secret steering group was founded, money was raised from the Soros-funded Open Society Institute, contacts were established and the real work of the ‘agency’ could begin in Spring 2002. The project was called ‘Project X’ and ‘London Initiative’. Even if it was started in the UK the aim from the beginning was to go global.

The following people are members of the agency´s steering group:

The conspiracy against the UN Conventions on Drugs shows very clearly how money and contacts, getting the ‘right’ people on key posts can overrule democracy and the will of the voters. It shows how elected politicians are viewed as chessmen that can be moved in any direction. Furthermore, the fact that powerful, financial foundations can influence politics in almost any direction should be a matter for great concern.

This is just the beginning of the story about the ‘agency’s’ work. Documents show strategies, correspondence and a large number of people outside the steering group that has been contacted or that are presently involved. The story is developing.

The UK paper Daily Mail runs a story about Mike Trace as the ‘Drugs Fifth Columnist’ today. In an editorial comment the Daily Mails states, “What a wonderful comment on Britain´s gloriously confused guidance on the evils of drugs. The man who helped to shape it as deputy drug czar, and who is now a major player in forming policy forEU and UN bodies fighting narcotics, turns out to favour the legalisation of cannabis and other dangerous substances. He boasts of acting as a fifth column for the pro-drugs lobby. It is, of course, difficult to believe anything this government says. But if ministers have any interest in preventing the deaths of thousands of youngsters on sink estates, they will agitate for this treacherous and irresponsible creature to be removed from his international posts without delay.”

HNN-comment: It ought to be evident to anybody that Mike Trace, who is actively undermining the UN Convention on Drugs, should be removed immediately from his post at the United Nations in Vienna and any other international positions that he holds. * The so-called ‘agency’s name is Forward Thinking on Drugs

Laughable if it wasnt so manipulative of ‘democracy’.
Blair Anderson

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